

Sitting on the hood of her car by the beach Katie pulls her legs up to her chest and wraps her arms around herself in an attempt to stay warm. Down by the water front it was diffetly alot colder but this had always been a place of peace to Katie. Was it because of the memories it held she wasnt sure but this is were she felt the most comfortable.

Just stairing out into the darkend endless water Katie's mind moves over many things. The past, the present, what had happend tonight and what would happen. Her own mind never landing on one thing for to long. Inbetween thoughts Katie would check her emotions with Jason's just making sure he was ok...but his door was locked. Not everything to where Katie was in pain but it was locked enough that she felt it. Strange enough it felt empty and lonly. Katie had become use to the emotions and the conversations. Now that they wernt there...it was just strange. Also not knowing if Jason was ok or not bothered Katie enough that she wanted to go check to make sure he was. But she new better than that tonight, no not now. Jason needed wanted his time along he could have it. She wouldnt bother him till he was ready. Time seemed to fly by as Katie sat and before she new it, it was 1am and she was frozen to the bone. Standing she knows home is her next destination even though tonight sleep would not be her friend.

Some like morning, and some like night. There are those who wish to stay in the darkness forever because the find shelter from the eyes that lay judge on them and than there are the ones who bask in the sun and let it shine on there face so they can show those who need hope how to live. Night and Day, Good and Bad, Peace or Confustion one can not live with the other and so life moves on.

Morning had offered a new day and though she hadnt slept to well Wendy felt slightly better than she did yesterday. News had spread around the ranch like a wild fire but most of it for good reason as to make sure to keep an eye on Wendy and not as her to do to much. The ranch was like a close nit family and everyone looked out for everyone.

Given the day off from doing chores Wendy steps out of the house with her paints and easle in hand. She felt like painting...not many days would be left where it was the right kind of weather to pain outside not to mention soon she wouldnt be able to inhail the fumes from the paint.

Picking a nice spot infront of one of the barns Wendy faces twords the road. The way the colors of the trees that lined the driveway it looks almost like a painting in itself. It would make a nice painting and if anyone happend to come to the ranch she would be the first to know. It felt lonly knowing Clint wasnt there. Knowing that when she went to the shop to work he wouldnt be there, it was hard to think about but Wendy only hoped he would be back soon. Yet the fear that maybe he wouldnt be back loomed. Than what would she do?!

Slowly removing her finger from the intercomb button Misty just sits stairing at the intercomb. Over hearing Carson talking to Austin leaves her stunned. Misty's mind reels as she replays everything that was said. A part of her wanted to cry out, and another part wasnted to yell for joy. If Carson had wanted to prove he's changed he just had. A new feeling emerges inside Misty one she cant explain.

As Carson comes to the infermary next Misty looks up at him quickly just watching him for a moment till finally she jerks her head back down to look at her desk and not stair. As she pretended to work she could feel Carson's eyes on her.

Looking up when Carson walked over and gave his greeting Misty trys her best to push out a smile. Looking into his blue eyes, hearing his voice....she can feel her heart start to race.


Was all she could manage to say as she choked on the rest of her words. Listing to Carson it felt like Misty's heart was breaking all over again, feeling the locket and letting it catch her eyes it felt like everything she had worked in the last month to get over was being thrown at her feet again.

Watching Carson turn to leave Misty gets the suddin feeling she dosnt want him to go. Why now she is not sure, she could tell he had changed but it was something something told her not to let him leave not yet.

Standing and stepping forward Misty reaches out and touchs Carson arm. For a moment it was almost like getting shocket Misty could feel the spark. Turning so she was now infront of him Misty looks up into Carson's blue eyes ans she hand moves down Carson's arm and finds his hand. Taking it so his palm was up Misty takes her other that held the locket and puts it on top of his opening her fingers so the locket would fall into his own once again. Misty's eyes locked with Carson her voice quivers just a little as she speaks.

"Never throw away that which has been given to you. Sometimes holding on to the small things could be the best memorie we have. It helps us remember."

Finally breaking her gaze from his she relizes just how close to him she was and she takes a step back. Looking back up on last time before retreating once again to her desk.

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