
If you love her

Pulling into darkend parkway Katie can make out Jason's truck. Pulling next to it she sits in her car for a moment. She had hardly talked to Jason all day and it was such a strange feeling. Finally opening the door Katie gets out and puts her hands in her pocket before walking to the back of Jason's pick up where he sat. Leaning aganst the tailgate Katie herself looks to the water.

So many memories in one place you know. It's strange how time goes by so fast and we still think something happend yesterday.

Leting out a small sigh Katie can see her breath in the air. It was chilli, and knowing there was a rift between Jason and herself seemed to make it colder. The memories of time fill her mind as her heart acks just a little.

Listen J...I'm sorry.

Turning Katie looks at Jason her arms still in her pockets as she scruntches together just a little trying to stay warm. Her eyes lock with Jason's for a moment...the emotions pooling behind her eyes as they glisened in the moonlight.

"I was upset yesterday J. I guess I said alot of things that maybe I shouldnt have. I didnt mean I wasnted to abanded our mission, or leave you I was just trying to state that I dont think Austin should be running the show. He is changing everything, he's going aganst everything we have worked for, its just he's make it seem like the meaning is being lost."

*Katie lets out a sigh and her mind still turns almost a million miles a minute. Not only did she miss him but her mind missed him as well. She missed shairing things with her and she missed the communication. Now it was almost like she was catching up her mouth matching her brain speed not letting Jason get a word in.*

"All in all Jason I dont think I would leave. Let alone leave you. You mean alot to me you know that, I'd never leave you. Oh J, am I even making sence here? I am trying to relay how I feel and to me it feels like its coming out as babble."

The night goes on and dinner is good, enjoying her time with Carson just came to Jess now even if she wasnt trying. Just being around him felt good. Tonight something seemed differnt though Jess tryed to push it aside and finaly it was gone.

As dinner draws to the end Jess can feel the tention in the air once more as the tone become more searouse. Watching Carson as he speeks Jess almost holds her breath feeling what was to come but hopeing maybe if she held her breath it wouldnt.

As Carson lays his hand on Jess and she hears his words finally she lets her breath out. The inevable not being able to be stoped. The worst coming true, and though Jess new Carson was doing it because he didnt want to hurt Jess ferther it still hurt. She new this might happend and this was a risk. Jess hadnt planed on falling for Carson but she had and now she was feeling the sting.

Finally letting out a sigh Jess look up from Carson's hand and though a smile was on her face the emotions were also in her eyes. She tryed to make them look happy, and show she was ok, but if one looked close enough you could see she was hurt, and she was sad.

"Friendship...I think I can handle that. If your hearts not there its just not there right."

Jess thinks for a moment as she trys to keep her emotions from showing. Maybe she shouldnt say what she wanted to...but maybe she should. Would it make her feel better or worse? Somehow she wasnt sure Jess new, though it hurt to addmit she new where Carson's heart belonged. No matter how much she had tryed to capture it, his heart belonged to one woman and one woman alone had the power of his heart. The power to shape him into what he was today. Yes it was her who in turn stole Carson's heart and helped him become a better man.

"If you still love her Carson, don't let her get away. I've seen her and she is a good woman. I also saw you along time ago when you were with her. You were happy even if you made some bad choses. Dont let the opertunity pass you by eh? Even if you have to work at it a little bit its worth it."

Jess gives a smile the words she said hurt, but she new they were true and all she wanted for Carson was him to be happy. If that ment without her than so be it. But that was the power of friendship and the true caring for someone just seeing them happy made it ok even if it did hurt.

Rosetta can't help but smile back at Mick. It was good to see him, see her family sitting at the table. She was so happy in what she had, though her eyes drifted across the table and they land on Wendy for a moment as a suddon bit of sadness over took her. She could only hope things would work out for the two that were still so young. She couldnt even imagen how Wendy must be feeling and even though he was not here Clint must be pretty confused himself. Rosetta prayed that God would help them both find there way.

Wendy trys to smile as Rosalyn and Jeff go back and forth. She wanted to keep her spirits up and her head high but it just felt so hard. In a room filled with people and Wendy never felt so alone.

Lifting her head as she hears the door open Wendy can't help that her eyes go wide for just a moment. Not saying anything Wendy's eyes just lock with Clint's as they follow him while he walks till finally he was next to her. Watching him intently as her goes to one knee Wendy's heart races even faster, our of being nervouse herself and out of a small fear that creeped up inside of her. Seeing the emotions behind Clint's own eyes Wendy trying to show reasurance through hers.

As Clint's words float to Wendy's hears she can't help the small smile spread acorss her face. Half showed her own fear, and half showed happyness.

"Yes Clint, I will."

Wendy was excited for this but this was not the was she had exspected, this was not how she had dreamed it. She loved Clint that much was true. She had no doubt in her mind that even if this hadnt happend they would of gotten married sooner or later but Now was not the time she had wanted it...and so the first step in reality made itself known as things happend now because they had too.

Slowly sitting up a little Wendy puts her arms around Clint in a hug as a small tear rolled down her cheek one she did not want him to see though the hug had meaning she had missed him and she had worryed about him.

"I'm glad your back. I missed you."

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