
True Friends

*Dalton looks to Con and gives a small nod before looking at Kyle as he talks. There was a strange look in his eye. Something told Dalton there was more to this story than was told. But it was non of his business and he was not one who liked to but into others lifes.

Looking at Con again Dalton inquires.*

"So, now that's its getting cold Con what do you do for work?"

*Katie looks to Jason as his emotions slip through about Misty and than back to the table. Now her own brain moved wondering what would happen with this whole situation. Misty seemed very happy with Kyle but was it enough. It pained Katie to think of Kyle being hurt but what would happen would happen and she had no right to give her two thoughts on it.

Out of the courner of her eye Katie see Jason's mission with the wrapper and her own eye widen a little bit as the ball goes flying through the air landing in Jamie's drink and sending soda onto her. Elbowing Jason Katie cant help the laugh that escapes her lips.

Nice going!*

*As the liqued splashes onto Jamie she snaps her head up looking around the table for the caulpret. As she eyes pass over Jason and Katie the look on there faces tell the tall of what happend.*

"You two can hide, but that look on both your faces tells me everything I need to know."

*A cheese smile cross her own lips as she picks up a wraped straw. Taking taking the one end off and pull the wrapper just a little bit Jamie takes aim at Jason. Heaving a heavy blow Jamie quickly turns taking her aim off Jason and replacing it with Con. The straw paper flying off the end of the straw and hitting him right in the side of the face. Jamie trys to muffle her own laughs.*

*Nate gives a small nod to Carson as he listens to him talk only addin in things here and there. About friendship and how he will always be there for Carson, and about life and change. But moslty Nate just listens to his friend talk knowing sometimes silence speaks stronger than words.

As Carson goes to leave Nate stands to and puts a hand on his shoulder. Looking him the eyes with all the sencerity one could give.*

"They are you friend to Carson. Thats the funny thing about true friends, we have the ability to look past the falts of other and see who is standing in front of us today."

*Giving a smile Nate turns and rejoins the other sliding in down next to Laura.*

*After splashing some water on her face Misty exits the bathroom feeling better once again. Making her back to the table of friends Misty sits down next to Kyle and slips her hand into his giving him a smile.*

"Didn't miss me to much did ya?"

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