
Tears to smiles

As both Nate and Misty leave the table, the others try to make up for the quiet with further chatter, accomplishing it well, and drawing attention away from the four who had been in the spotlight.

Con looks over to Dalton, feeling as though he should be included in at least as much as everyone else. He keeps his voice low though, not wanting to just be blabbing about what was happening. "That guy over there...Carson... he used to work for TJY. Got in a bit of trouble. Been on the up and up lately though, working here. And... it looks like his sister came for a visit." He gives a slight shrug. "Nate's good friends with Carson, and Misty..." He pauses, not sure what to say about that one.

"She knows Carson's sister a bit," Kyle interrupts. "I imagine she's trying to smooth out some wrinkles there." He twirls his glass in his hand, feeling a little uneasy for some reason as his eyes focus on the swirling ice cubes.

Jason watches Nate leave, then Misty, wondering if they'll be able to do any good or not. He'd only heard snippets about Carson and his sister before... but apparently there was a big issue there... big enough to cause a scene, and to involve friends.

Half listening to the conversations around the table, and half watching the others, he sees Misty talk for a while, then head to the bathroom. Without even realizing it, his own thoughts slip.

That flame just won't die...

He glances to Kyle, then shakes his head a little to keep himself on track and out of other people's businesses. Using a spoon as a catapult, he absentmindedly skyrockets a balled-up straw wrapper. It goes flying down the table, landing in Jamie's drink. Jason's eyes widen and he rests an elbow on the table to duck behind his own hand, suppressing a smile.

Katie, not one word!

Dani's lip quivers as she listens to Misty. This wasn't at all like she'd planned. She liked Misty, and wanted to greet her as a friend, but she'd already messed that all up, and now she didn't even know how to respond.

Listening to Misty's words, they cut her to the quick, slicing through her shell into her heart. She swallows hard and looks down at the counter, so many things running through her mind. Looking up, she looks into Misty's eyes, and sees the sincerity...she feels the genuine concern.

Dani wants to respond...she wants to say something... but she just can't find the words. As Misty walks away, she hangs her head and just sits at the counter, feeling lost... alone. She'd planned on coming and being civil. She'd planned on telling Carson how she felt, but not losing her temper. She'd planned on seeing him, and setting a time and place they could talk. But she'd lost it... as soon as she'd seen him, she'd been bombarded by all her disappointment that had turned into anger, and she'd blown her chance of renewing anything with him.

Finally breaking down into more tears, she buries her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking a little as she cries. She missed her brother so much... and now he probably hated her.

Carson looks up as Nate joins him, his eyes red, but void of tears. "Friend, huh? Don't you know I can't keep those?"

He scoffs at his own words. "Sorry. I don't know what I need, Nate. A second chance would be nice."

He leans his head back in the booth, strumming his fingers on the table. He glances to his sister and sees Misty talking with her. He wasn't surprised...and a part of him wanted to get up and run to them...to be with the two people that had meant so much to him. And yet...he was the one that had formed the barrier that prevented that from happening.

Carson finally lowers his gaze and looks back to Nate. He appreciated his friend's quietness...Nate knew he didn't need to be preached at... maybe he did just need to talk it through. His dinner date was forgotten.

"You know...it's different seeing my sister as a grown woman. She doesn't need that big brother to watch out for bullies anymore...she's got a life...she's an adult. Only thing is, adults don't have blind love like kids." He can't help a dry laugh. "All she used to see was a hero. Now she sees me for who I really am."

He takes deep breath, letting it out slowly. "There's a lot of history there...and half of it, she doesn't even remember. Which is good...I'm glad she doesn't. No kid needs to remember some of the stuff that went on back then. And I had a chance to have a relationship with her again... that time I went after her to California." He shrugs lamely. "So I screwed that up like everything else. I don't know why. I guess... I don't know. Maybe it was just my dang pride. Maybe my own perspective of a hero was skewed to begin with. I always felt like I needed to be perfect in Dani's eyes, so she didn't get disappointed or hurt. But maybe if she'd seen me as human to begin with, she wouldn't be disappointed now."

Carson shakes his head, his eyes wandering to the front counter again. He sees Misty leave Dani, and sees Dani's slumped form, knowing that she was now crying. "Hurts, ya know?" He swallows hard. It was hard for him to admit when something hurt him. He was so used to being the tough guy. He had an outer shell that was thicker than anything. But pain had been felt a lot lately, and there were only two people who could evoke it... and both he had hurt right back.

His eyes linger on his sister, and he realizes that she's not leaving. Did she really want to talk to him more? Was she really so angry with him that she'd walk away? She wasn't leaving... He waits... she still didn't leave.

Carson glances back to Nate. His friend's silence spoke more than words ever could. The look in Nate's eye said it all, and Carson could feel the pangs of guilt for giving up so quickly. "Yeah, I know...it's a dumb bloke who wouldn't go right back there and try to start over, isn't it?"

He sighs, continuing to read his friend's eyes, and he nods reluctantly. "Yeah...I know."

Finally, he slides from the booth and stands up. His body language conveyed how broken he felt, but for once...for once, he would return to do all he could without giving up so quickly. "Thanks, Nate... just for listening I guess. Sorry for the scene... you should go back to your friends."

He pauses, then turns, heading to the kitchen. He goes around through the side, and is quiet, looking at Herb once to convey his apology for the interruption, while at the same time, his gaze begged for forgiveness tonight.

It takes several minutes for him to emerge to the counter again, trying again, this time with humility.

Dani feels the shadow of someone on the other side of the counter, the hears a glass being set down and pushed towards her.

Sniffing, she lifts her head just enough to see a frosted glass with pink contents.

Carson swallows hard, his voice wavering. "It used to make scraped knees feel better. How about a wounded heart?"

Dani stares at the strawberry milkshake, the memories flooding back. Her hand slides to the glass, fingering the coldness for a moment before she finally looks up at her brother. "Oh, Carson." She blinks back more tears. "I'm sorry."

Carson glances down, then after a moment, pushes off the counter, to come around the other side. No words needed to be said as he receives his sister into his arms, holding her close...holding her tight.

Dani cries onto his shoulder as her arms wrap around him. "I'm sorry," she sobs again. "I didn't want to yell at you. I just...I wanted to understand."

"I know." Carson closes his eyes, kissing the top of Dani's head. "I know. And I don't even have a good answer. Can you forgive me?"

Dani pulls away, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand and sniffing again. Looking up into his eyes, she finally nods. "Yeah. I just don't want to lose you a third time."

"You won't." Carson sets his hands on her shoulders. "I needed a good yelling at to remind me to quit being such an idiot. I deserve to have you see how low I've been...it's just more justice for all the stupid stuff I did."

"I don't care that you don't have anything to show." Dani shakes her head. "That's not important to me. All I want is my brother...that's all... just to know you're there."

Carson is quiet for a moment, just looking at his sister. He was so sorry. He'd made the decision not to contact her, but it was out of pure pride and fear. He'd ruined enough with those two things...he couldn't do it again... not with her. "I'm here...and this time I won't drop off the face of the earth."



"Good..." Dani gives a short laugh through her tears. "...'Cause I'm moving here. All my stuff is in my car."

Carson's eyes widen. "Really?"

"Yeah." Dani turns a little sheepish. "I don't know what possessed me, but I hadn't done anything crazy in a while and... even though I was mad, I wanted to be closer to you. Not to mention, California was getting on my nerves. This was the only place I could think of to get a new start."

Carson can't help a chuckle, and pulls her in for another hug. "You spitfire, you."

A small smile starts on Con's mouth as he sees Carson and Dani. It looked like they would be okay, and that was a good thing. He glances to Nate, who had returned to the table, catching his eye. "You don't think they'd like some pizza, do you?" He didn't know if an invitation would be the wisest thing or not... but he hated seeing Carson left out like this, especially at a time when some interaction with old friends might do him good. If the two wanted to be left alone, that was perfectly understandable, but he didn't want to pass up an opportunity if it presented itself. At the same time though, he didn't know if others here, namely Misty, would appreciate the extra company.

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