

Reese watches Dalton for a few minutes, making sure he was set. At the comment about learning though, he crosses his arms, a little defensive. "Scott did a very good job at showing us everything we needed to know, and taught us all a lot. Now I'm not saying we're idiots around here, but some of us aren't as computer savvy as others. Besides that, we can learn all we can, but we still don't have enough time to keep up with this stuff on our own, which is why we needed you."

Hearing Dalton speak of Scott's organized information, Reese gives a satisfied nod. "Scott may have appeared scatterbrained, but he did keep all the necessary information nice and neat. And...I expect you'll do the same."

Feeling a little overly tense about the whole thing, Reese decides just to make his exit. "Don't have to clock in an out, but I'd appreciate it if you at least let Susanne or myself know when you're here or gone. If you need anything, holler."

Without waiting for a response, Reese heads out of the office. He almost runs into Wyatt in the hall, but barely excuses himself before aiming for his own office. Wyatt lifts his eyebrows and looks into Scott's office, seeing the new guy. Glancing back to his dad, then back to Dalton, he gives a little sigh and enters. He'd just gotten in, so hadn't met him yet.

He walks up to the desk and extends his hand. "Hi, Dalton. I'm Wyatt. You'll have to excuse my dad's abruptness. We, um... we're not used to not having Scott around here. I'm sure this puts you in a bit of an odd position."

Jason gives Katie a smile, glad that she felt strong enough to return with him. "Alright then...if we want to be back before midnight, we better get cracking."

After gathering up their things, and saying goodbye to Cindy and Wes, Jason and Katie head to the ranch.

Carson gives a little groan and rolls his eyes. He'd forgotten all about the menu. "Sorry...slipped my mind. I'll get right on that." He flops down in a chair at the little table in the corner of the kitchen and grabs a napkin to scribble on.

Hearing Herb's question though, he raises his head, a bit of color coming to his face. Now that he had back his control over his own money, did Herb suspect he was getting into trouble again?

"I, um..." Carson fished for a moment. "Yeah...yeah, everything is fine." He forces a crooked smile. "They got construction up on fifth, so my jogging route had to change a bit. Not to mention, my watch petered out on me a few days ago. I just gotta get back on track. Sorry about being late."

He looks back down quickly at his task and swallows hard, wondering if Herb sensed the lame fib. His jogging route never had gone up fifth street before.

Sighing, he tries to concentrate as his mind wants to wander. "I think we should keep the chicken parmigiana around - that's a favorite. Hey, did you ever offer chicken and shrimp, like with a parmesan cream sauce?" He squints, trying to think, then snaps his fingers. "What'd they call... carbonara, yeah."

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