
Just because

* Yeah I will be by later to talk with ya J. It's ok non of us really know how to tred right now. You did fine.

Katie continues to pay attachen to Scott. Her heart going out to him. She new it was hard for him to talk about this, she new it was hard for him to see the images. Katie had seen Jason through enough that she could only imagen Scott might be going through the same.

Before Katie can even think of what she is doing but only wanting to help her friend in pain she moves on the bed slightly so she is next to Scott and puts a comfortaing arm around his shoulder pulling him gently close to her to offer the most comfort and protection for her friend she could.*

"Us dead, it take alot more to keep us down Scotty."

*Kaite rests her own head ontop of Scott's a slight tear of her own trickling down her face. The pain Scott felt, it hurt. The pain her friend held inside and was now going to try and conquer how it made her own heart Ack, and knowing she could do nothing to take it away but be a friend hurt even more.*

"It's gonne be ok Scotty, we are all here for you."

*Continuing to hold Scott for a moment longer Katie keeps her head on top of his till finally she lets out a small sigh and losens her grip from around Scott. Trying to change the subject again for Scott's sake.*

"Dalton, he's ok. At least people arnt freaking out that there computers are not working right. He wasnt you though. We like to call him Hulk. I think once you get to know him he isnt as hard as he seems. I think you will like him."

*As Reese barges into Angelica's office she shoot her head up from the paper work she was looking at. Only to receve the other paper work thrown down on her desk sending paper flying onto the floor. Blinking for a moment a bit of irratation rises.*

"Just because your angry at other things dosnt mean you can barge in here and throw stuff around. I do have other work to do as well."

*Angelica removes her glasses and places them on the top of her head letting out another sigh and grumbaling for a moment before pushing her chair back and bending down to pick up her papers.*

"So now that thats said, would you like to talk over lunch?"

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