

*Katie gives Scott a smile though her own bit of sadness sinks in. Things probley would never be the same for Scott, maybe in time but they would never truly be the same.*

"You know Scott things might not be the same again but this is a chanse to start new. I know its gonna take time but there are so many people here who are willing to help you through. God has a plan in all this even if we can't see it yet."

*Katie's own head jerks up at Wyatt's voice. The lack of sleep had made Katie jumpy herself. Giving a smile Katie was glad Wyatt came to see Scott. He needed everyone he possable could get to come and see him and make him feel comfortable. Once Wyatt leaves Katie just stairs at the door for a long moment thinking about what Scott had asked about his job and what was really going to happen. Bring herself back though Katie gives a small chuckle.*

"Well I guess I better get back to work or my hind end is gonna be in trouble. If you need anything don't hesatate to give me a yell ok Scotty. I'll be back to see ya soon."

*Giving Scott one last squeeze Katie stands and heads for the door making her way to Jason's office.*

*Angelica rolls her eyes as she finish putting her papers back on the desk and than stands to grab her jacket. *

"Well my sister told me she use to tell Bret "Wallowing alone is always better when you have someone alse by your side." I never really liked wallowing with others but ove the last week I've had some stuff braught to my attachen and I am trying to change a few things. So Mike, lunch it is."

*Giving a smile Angelica links her arm with Mike's though the look behind her eyes that not many could see shows just how nervouse and leary she was but trying was the first step for her and it could only go on from there.*

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