
Hidden Message?

Everyone gives a start at Dalton's raised voice, and too surprised to argue, they back off.

Reese throws his arms in the air, meandering back towards his office. Susanne's mumblings filter on back as she trudges to her desk too. "We just want to get our work done like anyone else. We can't help it neither, and don't deserve to get yelled at. If Scott were..."

Reese sets a hand on Susann's shoulder as they walk. "Easy."

"Oh, I just..."

"I know..." Reese knew Susanne was more sensitive than she let on, and he knew good and well that she was thinking about the fact that Scott had never yelled at the staff like that. He couldn't blame Dalton though...the poor guy was trying his hardest, and Reese was just as guilty as anyone else for barging in on him and pressuring him.

Jason cocks his head to see out his open office door and sighs. Nice commotion... He stands up and wanders into the hall, but stops, seeing Dalton's door shut.

Guess some people get special privileges huh?

He smirks and turns back around. Have fun. Tell me when it's over.

Heaving a sigh, Jason goes back into his office and flops down in the chair. Trooper gives a whine and comes up to him for a scratch behind the ears, and Jason obliges absentmindedly. "What's the matter, bub, hmm?

He swivels in his chair, looking at the strange message that had appeared on his computer, along with Reese's and everyone else's. He tries to close it again with no luck. Frowning, he looks closer. Strange. What did the letters mean? What did it have to do with the system shutting down? And why had it shut down anyway? Hackers? The Agency? Those were scary thoughts.

Find anything? How's Dalton coming? I guess I can't blame him, but I sure don't think he made any friends today. If he gets us back up and running though, that should put him back in everyone's good graces.

Jason fools around a little on his own, coming up with nothing. Sighing, he scribbles out the strange letters on a piece of paper. Without being able to use his computer, there wasn't much else to do. alriednsghnbeori Short Circuit

Was the first word a code? A password? And why were the second two words capitalized, let alone not scrambled?

"Aw, now what." Bret groans and sinks down into a chair.

Con sighs. "Looks like we're blocked up for a while. We can't look anything up right now."


Con looks at Angelica and rolls his eyes, then glances back to Bret. "Cool it. It's temporary, and we got time."

"Well you're the one pushing me to get those guys quick before the law gets me again."

"We are the law, and we are running out of time. But you losing your temper won't do anyone any good."

Bret closes his eyes, wishing this whole thing could just be over.

Time passes, and it doesn't feel like over an hour has gone by. Jason scribbles some more, not really paying much attention. airlendshgbeori.... rilaendshgbnorei... irlndsaeniehgbro... irndleaborneigh...

Jason suddenly sits up straight.

What the...

He scribbles some more. irelandsneighbor... irelands neighbor. What on earth... that was what Scott always used to refer to himself. Was this some sort of block he'd set up to keep out hackers, or....what... But what about the last two words? Why were they capitalized? A title? Of what?

Jason quirks an eyebrow. He knew a movie titled Short Circuit. It had been a while since he'd seen it... he'd liked it. He grins a little at the memory of the escaped robot. Of course, the one main and always-quoted line comes to mind. "Number Five is alive!" It had been one of Scott's favorite movies in his collection.

The blood drains from Jason's face. He stares at his scribbles, then at the computer, then back again. Writing it out, he stares in disbelief. Surely not. It couldn't be. Ireland's Neighbor is alive.

Katie...I need to see you... right now... ditch Dalton and get in my office, pronto.

"Talk!" The raised voice is followed by a backhanded slap. "Talk!"


"Talk!" This time it's a jab to the stomach, sending the victim to the floor. "What did you do?"


A kick is aimed at the victim's ribcage. "Tell me!"

A groan escapes from the curled up form on the floor. Words are muffled between gasps for breath. "No."

"Talk or someone else dies for real." The threat is followed up by another kick.

"Don't hurt anyone else!"

"Then talk!"

Wheezing, the huddled victim moves. "What's wrong...can't...can't get in?"

"We got info on how to bypass TJY security. We got confirmed passwords and methods to bypass and hack. Now since you said you were locked out, we can't even get back in. What did you do?"

"Stuff it."

The form is yanked up off the floor, shoved back into the chair under the glaring light, the assailant's face right up in his own. "Talk, or we go after the Pent girl."


"Then talk!" The next hit to the face echoes through the dingy room.

"Alright, I locked everyone out. Everything's been reset."

"To what? What did you change it to?"

"I didn't." A moment is taken to recover breathing control. "I warned the system. It reset itself to its original security measures. It was....was set up before I even got there." Blood runs down from a cut. "I don't know the old information...old passwords."

"Well, you're just going to have to find out."

"I can't!"

"You will!"

One more hit, and the victim finally feels nothing else as the darkness of unconsciousness settles in...

Alice...it's Alice... He doesn't open his eyes, knowing he'll just be met with darkness anyway. He didn't know how much time had passed...but he was back in the cold cement room without light. He shivers. He had done it on purpose...lied. The system wasn't reset...it was backup security. The master password was Alice.
Just get my message...please...just get my message and find me... God, please let them see it.

The door opens.

No...not again...no....

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