

*Frustrated Dalton sits at his computer typing away with programs, as boxs open and close on his computer. Everyone was in his office, everyone was asking his questions, he new no more than he did but he was trying to correct the problem and find out what happend.

All the questions, everyone wanting to know what was going on, Dalton tryed to push them out of his mind he was trying he was trying.*

*As Katie's computer goes off and so do the lights her heart jumps.

What on earth...

Once the computer turns on again Katie clicks on a few things. Trying to axcess her files again to finish her work Katie hits a brick wall and non of her passwords work. Continuing to try and axcess one thing than the next Katie still gets nothing.

I can't get into any of my files J...

Standing Katie makes her way to Dalton's office other where there already firing off a million questions. Obvesily they were having the same problem.*

*The chatter and questions continue around Dalton as he continues to work. Not bothering to look up he trys to work. Continues to try and block out the questions, the complaining. Finally not being able to handle it anymore Dalton looks up and around the room raising his voice.*

"EVERYONE out NOW. I know just as much as everyone alse and I am trying to fix it. I CAN'T do that with everyone in here asking me a million questions at once. EVERYONE OUT NOW and let me do my job. As SOON as I know something you will know something now OUT."

*Looking down again Dalton continues to click but look up quick as he see Katie start to leave.*

"Kit Kat, wait you stay come here."

*Turning Katie comes back into the room. Why would Dalton want her to stay?*

"Sure whats up?"

*Dalton waves for the door to be closed and than points to a chair to pull next to him.*

"I need your help Kit Kat. I know this might be hard but you new Scott better than anyone. Any information you can give me that might help or if you take a look at these files it might help me out a bit too."

*Katie shuts the door and walks over to Dalton sitting next to him. The mention of Scott sends a pain in her heart. But she had to do this, it would help everyone and Scott would of wanted it no matter how much it hurt.*

"Ok let me take a look with you."

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