

Scott lifts his head with a jerk as he hears someone enter the infirmary, and his eye latches on to Katie. He swallows hard, the emotions evident on his face, yet he keeps it in. A small smile quirks the corner of his mouth and he waits for Katie to sit down, a little leery, a little nervous.

Receiving her question, he gives a little shrug. His voice is hoarse and he stays fairly quiet. "Yeah...I'm okay. Guess it's a good thing I'm alive. Rick said it's been...a couple months."

Scott's eyes drop and he lets his legs slide down on the bed, his finding a loose thread on his t-shirt to fidget with. He knew he looked different...he was hardly skin and bones, let alone with all the cuts and bruises. But he knew Katie was trying not to act differently... though at the same time, just knowing that she had to try was enough to make it awkward.

"Domino, eh?" He changes the subject. "Rick said you were looking after her...she might just want to stay with you after being at your place this long."

Scott doesn't know what to say... what to talk about. Rick had told him a lot that he was still trying to process. "So...lot's, um...been going on? Heard there's as new guy on the block."

"Yeah, but we've all missed ya." Jason's voice answers him.

Scott jumps a little and looks up, surprised. "Jase...hi."

"Hey." Jason approaches slowly, cocking his head.
Aw, Scott... he's been through the wringer... he looks terrible, I hope he'll be okay.
"Katie got you cornered already?"

Scott forces something close to a chuckle. "Yeah, but that's okay. I don't mind getting cornered by her, it..." He lets his phrase trail off, slight color coming to his face. He hadn't forgotten that much...

Jason catches the subtle shift in Scott's tone, and suddenly realizes that his friend might not realize quite what relationships were like anymore.
I.... He stops his own emotions from forming communication. If he wasn't careful, his own questions would surface, and now wasn't the time.
"Her bark is worse than her bite, huh?"

Scott tries to smile. "Yeah..."

An awkward pause follows that seems to last forever. Jason finally clears his throat. "Well, I, um...guess I better get some work done. I'll see you later, Scott, alright?"

"Sure." Scott watches Jason leave before his gaze drops again. The door falling shut makes him jump and he looks back up quickly. Finding Katie's eyes again, he hesitates. "You, um... finally snag that lone ranger?"

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