

*As Jason slides next to Katie and she receves the knuge Katie she can't help but let a small smile cross her face. She was tired, and she felt drained, the last few days between using her energy on helping Scott, and than not sleeping much dew to nightmares when she closed her eyes She just couldnt seem to catch up.

Wrapping her arm around the back of Jason Katie leans her head on his chest.

Morning...Yeah I know its been rough for you. I've been a little scarse myself. How about dinner tonight?*

*And so the hours passed, and everyone worked though the feeling of seeing Scott loomed in the air. What would he think of them, how would he act. Would he remember who they were? But than the silly thoughts of the mind were gone and thoughs finally did what they should of hours ago.*

*A soft knock sounds on the infermary door and than opens slowly as Katie steps inside a smile on her face. It hurt to see Scott like this, to know he went through so much pain and she couldnt whip it away. The best thing she could do was be the friend he needed.*

"Hey Scotty. I thought you could use some company."

*Walking slowly over Katie trys not to make any suddin moves to starlt Scott. Coming to the bed Katie sits down on the bed next to him.*

"I told Domino she can come and see you soon. She was happy. By the way she acts I know she can tell your back. How are you feeling Scott? I know probely not the greatest but are you feeling any better?"

*Katie holds her smile as she looks at Scott. Her eyes searching his face but not looking at him any differnt than normal. He may look a bit differnt but he was still Scott and the last thing he needed was people to look at him differntly.*

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