

*Charlotte takes a bite of cheese and gives a small laugh.*

"Sounds like a blast to me. Maybe you should be spontanious, do something unexspected. Come resue a damsel at work for a nice ride."

*Charlotte cant help but laugh again. The nights wernt busy around the caves now that the weather was a little bit colder, so most of the time was standing doing nothing. Charlotte always liked the breaks at night though talking to Bret was a nice break in the dull ruteen.*

"You better now be wallowing Mr."

*Katie draws closer to the man she took down. Seeing she got him in the shoulder she raches down taking the riffle. Replying to Jason, while keeping her gun on the enimy still. I got him, he's down J. Con and I are going to take him out to the cops. Reaching the man the same time as Con Katie looks at him and than scans the arena fast.*

"Con, help me here. sling his arm over your shoulder, make it look like we are just helping someone drunk out."

*Katie reaches down and slings the mans on arm over her shoulder. Keeping her mind and thoughts open to Jason so he new what was going on. Also Katie keeps the mans one hand locked with her own as to make sure he dosent try anything.*

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