
Time for bed

*Charlotte can't help but let out a sigh and than chuckle as she thinks about Bret coming and the looks on everyones face as he took her away.*

"I have no idea why they put me on nights eather. Sooner or later they will see that they are losing money and not gaining it and I wont have to worry about night. Oh and if I get fired it would be a good way to go."

*Taking a bite of her cheese Charlotte pauses for a moment, just listing to Bret. Enjoying her meager meal and just listing to the sound of his sweet voice.*

"Don't you try and flatter me, it won't make me forget you owe me that beer still.."

*Katie can't help the smile she feeling inside as she receves Jason's thanks though on the outside her face remained ferm. This new talking through emotions with Jason felt good. It was something they had that no one alse did. In a way Katie found it pretty cool. Well I couldn't have done it without you, so thank you as well J.*

*The time moves on and Nate heads back with Wyatt ready to put in his statment as well. Katie and Misty stay behind. Misty to watch over Kyle and help, and Katie to help as well while keeping an eye on things.

The time moves on more and the minutes pass. Time seems to go slow yet is pass in a flash. New people join them and the laughing and greetings continue.*

*Giving a elbow to Kyle as she pass Katie jokes.*

"Kyle, trouble? NEVER!!"

*Katie can't help but throw a wink at Jason and laugh as she continues to gather things up.*

*Misty leans into Kyle as Logan talks. She couldn't help the color that came to her cheeks.*

"Looks like I am already taken. Sorry Logan."

*The chatter and fun continues as the mention of food comes up. Misty laughs not saprised that Kyle was thinking of food. Even being tired and sick thats what he mind liked the most.

At the mention of Mom and Pop's Misty stiffens for a moment. Did she really want to go? Did she really want to face Carson again? She had seen him the other day and she had forgiven him, but did she willing want to see him?

Misty sighs and looks to Kyle searching his face. The look in his eye was asking her the same question. Thinking things over fast in her mind Misty gives Kyle a soft smile and a nod.*

"Yes, I would like to go for a little while with you. Someone does have to tell you when its time for bed since you can't do it on your own you know. You need your rest Kyle, so we can't be out to late."

*Misty gives a squeeze to Kyle's hand showing she cared and was worryed about him even though she new he was a grown man she was still his Dr. on top of being his girlfriend and his health came first.

Misty's mind wonders but lands on one thought alone. She couldn't live in fear and stay away from Mom and Pop's forever. If Carson was there, than he was there. She couldent let his presence keep her away. She had to lean to function around him again.*

*Katie is about to reply to Jason when Scott comes up behind her. Leaning back into him for a moment Katie smiles and turns her head to kiss his cheek.*

"You'll see me tomarrow if these rougheins don't keep me out to late."

*Katie can't help but laugh giving Scott's hand a pat and turning to hug him.*

"Let Domino know I said "Hi!' and that this weekend is still on before it gets to cold. I'll see you tomarrow babe."

*Once Scott is gone Katie lets out a sigh and grabs a few bags to throw into the cars. Remembering she hadn't answered Jason yet Katie lets out a small laugh. I'd love to. As long as I can ride with you since mine just left. As long as you don't mind.*

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