
Taken down

*Charlotte finds Bret's phone conversation a bit odd but only hearing one sit she decieds to ignore it for now. Though Bret can't see her Charlotte smiles anyways. She often did that at the sound of his voice..*

"Oh just on lunch break. I have the late shift tonight, won't be out of here till about 1 or 2. What are you up too?"

*Katie's eyes scan the area as the concert starts. Listening to the misuc and doing her job was a good combanation Katie enjoyed it. Some releaf settles over her as concert starts to come to an end and nothing happend. But than...as Katie see Wyatt move and than Con, she is on high alart. Keeping her eyes on the one they were after Katie watches, losing him a few times than picking him back up only to lose him agan. Continuing to scan Katies eyes rest on the man again in horror as she is close to Jen and the look of fear cross her face. See Con on top of it Katie relaxes again just a moment and she continues to keep a look out.

Than in a sudden burst Katie receves Jason's distress emotion message. Not evening having to stop and than about it Katie turns fast aiming her gun. I got him J. with in seconds the trigger on her gun is pulled as the one being shot at falls. I'm going to see if he is injored or not. Slowly Katie starts to walk in the direction of the man down.*

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