

Bret cringes a little and rolls his eyes. "Yeah...yeah, everything is fine. Just...an old acquaintance. So...what are you up to?"

Scott readily agrees to ice cream, returning Katie's kiss with a grin. "You got it." Seeing her on the job, he slips away, going up front to keep Jen company while everyone else got to work, onstage and off.

Kyle doesn't argue with Misty about getting rest. Not only does he not have the energy, but he couldn't disagree. Getting back onstage, he gives her a thumbs up, knowing she'd do well with the band tonight...

Adults and kids roam, sit, stand, clap and sing along. JetStream performs as well as normal, a little different tonight, but most wouldn’t notice. Jason keeps the interaction going with the audience, holding their attention and bantering some with Phil this time instead of Kyle. Kyle himself keeps a hand on the keyboard, offering slight instrumental backup, and listening to Misty’s vocals.

Everything seems to be going well. There’s a short intermission, nothing seems out of place, and the music picks up again. People filter in and out, providing constant movement for those watching for anything suspicious.

The music continues, the band staying strong. Kyle does his best to keep up, though as the night moves on, he grows wearier and wearier. His body was resisting not only staying awake, but the stress of the evening, and several times, he has to move his feet just to keep from passing out from pure exhaustion. He stays though, determined to remain and see the night out.

Jason sings into the microphone, his palms and fingers expertly playing along his guitar. If it weren’t for the stressful situation around them, he’d be having the time of his life like always. The night was almost up though…so far so good…had they been wrong to predict the Agency?

Just as they move into a nice upbeat and loud song, Jason’s eyes catch movement near the back of the room, where someone had just come through the doors. Something about them didn’t seem right. They were ducking behind other people…moving toward the edge with hidden purpose.

Turning slightly Jason keeps cool, though quickly makes eye contact with anyone he could find. Wyatt. Con. Katie where are you…there’s someone at the back.

Wyatt catches Jason’s look, and slips casually to the side of the room, glancing around and finally spotting the guy he was sure Jason had seen. As he does, there’s more movement toward the back – a second man was there.

The song continues, filling the large room with sound, the crowd clapping and singing along. The confusion is enough that Wyatt loses his target for a moment, only to see him again, this time having made it closer to the front.

Backtracking, Wyatt hurries a little, frantically looking around for someone else. Spotting Con, he gives a low wave, pointing to the suspect.

Con offers a slight nod in return and leaves his corner post. Scanning the crowd, the man has suddenly disappeared once more. Where was he…

Jen sits in her wheelchair at the soundboard, keeping her eye on the stage and listening to all the parts that needed adjusting. Without warning, she feels a strange pinpointed pressure to the back of her neck, and she tenses. She’d never been in this position before, but she had no doubt what this was.


The whisper in her ear sent chills down her spine. She wanted to scream, but the gun barrel warned her not to. Scott was sitting right next to her, and she couldn’t even get his attention.

Suddenly a large hand envelops the one holding the gun. The thug gives a start, but a vice grip to his shoulder holds him still.

“Drop it,” a voice hisses. “Or your hand breaks.”

The hold around the man’s hand tightens, and he’s forced to lower his gun, wincing under the pressure.

“That’s better…” The larger hand takes the gun. “I wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt.”

The one caught scowls and twists his head to see who had just outsmarted him. Coming face-to-face with a chest though, he has to lift his eyes higher…higher to finally see Con’s eyes glaring down at him. He swallows hard, his face paling. “Hey man…I’s just doing my job.”

Con can’t hear what the man said, but doesn’t care. He stuffs the gun through his belt and grabs the back of the man’s collar, pulling him back to the edge of the room. “Move before I squash you like a bug,” he threatens. Turning, then pushing the man in front of him, he heads to the back where he would hold him until the police had arrived. Nice and quiet takedown, just like they’d wanted…

Eyes from the stage see what’s happening, and though doing well at continuing the performance, inside, all are tensely watching Con. Kyle keeps his hand on the keyboard, his stomach doing a flipflop as he sees his sister in such great danger, then safe again. His eyes glance toward Misty. Was that it? Was it over?

Wyatt sees Con taking the first man to the exit and breathes a sigh of relief. But…he’d seen someone else. Suddenly on guard again, he looks around, trying to see above the heads of the crowd, but can’t see anything.

Jason’s voice rings out along with the music, his hold on the crowd never wavering. He felt relief at seeing Con escort someone away, but something still felt wrong…something….he finally catches sight of Katie. Running his eyes up to the back of the room, he sees something that makes his blood run cold. A man was standing in the corner with a rifle raised. The barrel was aimed down front at the back of Jen’s head.

Katie! Behind you! They’re gonna shoot Jen!

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