
Starting Trouble

*Jamie moves back closer to Scott's desk. She still felt bad for her friend. Why life had to be cruel sometimes Jamie didn't know, but until they all took there place with there room in heaven there would be loss, heartache and hurt. All one could ask for was the comfort of God, and of friends to make it a little bit more bearable.*

" I wouldn't call this a blunder per say. Its more of a growing pain. We all have them, its how we move on in life and learn. Its how we become who we are. Katie might of left you Scott, but she left you with a gift. She gave you courage, hope, selfasteam. Katie showed you that your really NOT that geek. Its your choise to go back to that. With or without her your still Scott, and we have seen what alittle hottie you can be."

*Jamie cant help but let her smile grow a little. Jamie never really got to sit down and talk with Scott before. He'd always seemed so standoffish. But since Katie had been with him a whole new side of Scott was born and people saw a side of him the proved he was much more than he acted to be.*

"Go see her Scott. It might hurt that she dosent remember and it might not change things but do you really want to push her out of your life all together? When she does remember, dont you want to be there to help if she needs it. Your title might be friend but what a friend you could be. I know all to well losing someone you love hurts, but dont lose yourself too."

*Misty looks up at Carson and grins. Seeing his black eye she brings a hand to his face and gently runs a finger over it. Making sure her touch is light as to not hurt him. She knows for a moment her eyes show a bit of worry. But if Carson was in trouble he certinly wouldent be here right now. So stearing away from the conversation for once in her life to save Carson a bit of pain She looks back at the menu and than back up at Carson.*

"Course I get jealous. I have to you know. With your good looks I got to keep one eye open at all time, but something tell me I think I dont have to be quite as jealous anymore. I trust you."

*Misty leans up and press her lips aganst Carson she kiss him with passion. A day was a long time to go with out a kiss from Carson and Misty had missed it. The kiss continues untill Aerith walks by them and gives alittle laugh.*

"Miss if your going to distract our workers I am going to have to ask you to leave."

*Aerith wacks Carson on the arm with her pen before heading over to the counter to give her orders to Herb.

A slight smile forms on Herb's lips as he takes the orders from Aerith and watches Misty and Carson. They had both had there problems, there ups and down but still seeing them standing there togeather it was such a nice thought indeed to see them smile and laugh with eachother. They had helped eachother grow so much in many differnt ways.

Misty finally breaks into a smile and a small laugh after Aerith walks by. Still stairing into Carson endless eyes the courners of her mouth curle.*

"Look at that now I AM the one geting you in trouble. Whats ever a guy to do."

*Misty laughs again befor siting back down.*

"I think I'mm have some eggs and toast with that famus bacon you were talking about kind Sir."

*Katie looks to Jen and gives her a soft smile. She new her friend was trying to make her feel better by giving her company and Katie apresheated that.*

"Sure if you dont have anything alse going on. I always like the company and since I dont know when Jason will be here it would be nice.

*Katie looks between Jen and the other guys.*

"As long as you are not doing anything. I dont want to be a burden."

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