

*Aerith slids into the booth across from Jason no hesitation what so ever. What Jason had said came as a saprise but it explained why he seemed sad.*

"I'm sorry all that stuff happend to you. Someone as nice as you certinly dosent deserve that. I guess I can simpathys with you alittle bit about coming home and not understanding or feeling like you fit anymore. After my father died and my mom remarried everything just seemed differnt and it was hard fiting in."

*As Aerith talks she can tell Jason really was having a hard time with everything that happend to him. She could tell by his suddon change in demeanour that he just wanted to shut down and hide. Tilting her head alittle bit Aerith trys to catch Jason's eye for a moment.*

"I know its probley a hard thing to talk about Jason. So if you dont want to thats ok, but I am willing to listen if you just need to talk. Or if I am being to nosey you can just tell me to be to quiet to. We can always just eat in silence too, or you could tell me about a great place to go fishing or something. and sometime I really do talk to much."

*Misty gives alittle smile to Carson as she stuffs another fry in her mouth. Carson's past hurt to hear and though Ashlyn had come between them once it was just the past now and Misty did have faith in Carson again even though he did struggle. Misty was thankful that Carson had been honest and told her even though it was hard on him ans she new it. Giving Carson's hand a pat she takes another sip of her soda.*

"Thank you being honest with me Carson."

*Knowing Carson probley felt pretty uncomfortable Misty trys to redirect the convesations alittle.*

"So did you find out the information you were looking for?"

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