

*Katie opens the door As Domino bounds in from outside. Both pants trying to catch there breath. Domino's fav chew toy in her mouth. Heading for her bedroom Katie lets Domino know to stay and she would be right back. Shuting the door behind her so Henry isent disturbed. Heading into the kitchen Katie grabs a glass of water and fills a bowl for Domino.*

*Aerith stays standing crossing her one arm over the other looking down for a moment than back at Jason. How strange it was to see Jason here again. Aerith dident mind though He seemed like a nice person to have a half way decent conversation with.*

"I have to addmit its alot more peaceful here, but when I left my grandmothers tonight to just get away and clear my head I had no intention on coming here. But here I am anyways. I figure God must have a good reson for me to be here. He guided me with out even me knowing it."

*Aerith smiles at Jason studying his face for a long moment. She saw the same looks she had earlyer today and it put the ping in her heart to help once again, but she wasent sure how nor did she want to pry into the life of someone she hardly even new.*

"How about you? You seem alittle blue."

*Quietly Misty listens to the rest of Carson's conversation not moving. Finally as he hangs the phone up she starts to unpake the burgers and frys. Not saying anything for a long moment just thinking deeply.*

"Come eat!"

*Misty sits down at the small table unwraping her wopper pulling off the tomatos she puts the top back on and takes a bite. Misty wasent angry and she could honestly say that. Sure she dident like Ashlyn but at the moment she dident feel angry. Just deep in though over everything. So many questions were still left un answered. Taking a spip of the soda Misty finally speaks.*

"Even if you dident pay attachen or whatever to it, there was more to you and Ashlyn than a good time way back went wasent there? I can tell by the way you talk to her and the look in you eyes."

*Misty dips a fry in katchup and eats it slowly.*

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