
More than meets the eye

*Nate shakes his head irratated.*

"I'm gonna ride with you Wyatt. Make it look like someone is here if people come back. We better hurry. I dident like the look in Con's eyes Wyatt. I've never known him to be like this but I have a feeling there is more than meets the eyes."

*Nate hurrys out of the house carrying Ed's box and a few papers he found of his own. Geting into Wyatt's car placing Ed on the floor of the back seat.*

*Minutes seem like hours till finally Nate and Wyatt pull into the driveway. Noding to Wyatt Nate draws his own gun and enters the house. Scaning the living room than Making his way to the kitchen. He see Jason's back to him but dosent relax. Something still wasent right. Enting the room along side Jason Nates eyes widen.*

"Con, dont do this. Think about it. Jason is your friend. Put your gun down. Think of the consiquines of killing someone."

*As Nate looks at Con in the eyes he see something. He can see Con's heart open on his sleeve.*

"Con, do you really was Jamie to visit you in a jail cell? Is this peace of trash really worth it Con."

*Jamie winces as she is thrown about in the chair. As Carson lifts her head runing his finger on her jaw, Jamie jerks her head away from his touch. As the knif cuts though her arm Jamie lets out a soft shreek but dosent look up to meet Carson's eyes. Trying to block out the pain. As Carson talks about Con Jamie's head shoots up her lip trembaling. No..not Con, She couldent let anything alse happen to Con. Jamie opens her mouth to speak but gets cut off by Sam.*

"Dont tell him anything Jamie. Half of what he is saying about Con isent true anyways...He's all words to make you..."

*Joe swiftly makes his way over to Sam geting her a swift kick in the gut making her double over giving a small cry of pain.
As Sam words hit Jamie's ears her mind reverts back to her training for TJY and Reese and Carter's voice saying that half the time what a bad guy says isent true but they know how to play the right mindgames to make you think they are true. Jamie lifts her her with pride and looks Carson in the eyes for a long moment, Finally without warning Jamie spits right in Carson's face, her voice full of anger for a moment.*

"You'll have to kill me before I tell you anything."

*Jamie holds her cold hard eyes to Carson's.*

*Kaite lets out a long sigh over the phone as Reese tell her nothing new has been found.*

"Oh Con...what is he thinking. Reese is there anything I can do? Paper work, looking at files anything? I hate not being able to help at all."

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