

*Nate shakes his head as they enter the office. Jamie lived in a relitivly big house for being on her own it was a good thing only 2 rooms were messed up. The rest could just be skimmed.*

"I tell ya Wyatt, I just dont understand sometimes what is going through peoples minds to do this. Even if they do it for fun. I just dont understand."

*Nate bends down to movie some of Jamie's desk draws and out them back in the cabnit sending more papers flying all over. Bending into a squating position Nate stars to sift though a bunch of papers and what not tossing some aside, and keeping some that might help. As Nate keeps looking he finds tiny drops of blood in cirtin places. Worry strikes in his heart. Was that from Jamie? There wasent alot but that dident matter. Blood was blood. Following the drops of blood over to the courner Nate gets a funn grin on his face. Bending down he picks something up gently and holds it.*

"Hey Wyatt, looks like we DID have someone trying to protect Jamie."

*Nate hold up Jamie's Ball Python who had alittle bit of blood around his mouth.*

"Ed had his venom removed but I bet it still hurt whoever he striked at. Least we know SOMEONE has and injored hand. When we leave remind me to take him with me. Jamie would kill me if we let him here to die."

*Nate bends down and puts Ed into a carboard box and sets him aside for now.*

*Mable lets out a small cry as she turns her head to bury it into Herb's shoulder crying softly.
Herb his his face sollem though you can see the emotion behind his eyes wanting to get free. But for Mable sake he dosent.*

"We know you guys will do all you can. Thats all we can ask for. Thank you for coming to tell us."

*Herb things for a moment about anything strange that had been going on.*

"There have been some new faces in the restront 2 or 3 men. They showed up about a week ago I think it was. They always pay with cash though so I dont know anymore information than that. They come in usaly around lunch time, order some stuff to go than leave. Other than that I cant think of anything."

*Herb comforts Mable rubbing her back and holding her close. Trying to comfort her the best he can.*

*The Fat Man throws a thumb at the door, and nods.*

"She downs there probley passed out at the moment. But have at it. Just dont damage her mouth for Pete sake. She cant give us the info we want without it. Sooner or later she is gonna crack. A person can only take so much. Who knows Carson maybe even you can make her talk. I've seen ya do it with people before. Take Joe with you. We still have Sam down there, if she see you alone she probley would try to attack you. I'm not willing to take that chanse."

* As the Fat Man nods to Joe he stands tall next to the door wiht a cocky look on his face waiting for Carson.*

*As Jamie opens her eyes as she hears a new voice she coms face to face with Sam again. As look of fear on her face.*

Sam: "You have to stay strong Jamie. Dont let them win. Your a strong person and you can do it I know you can. Carson is here and things just got a whole lot heavyer. Just block the pain out if you can cuz there will probley be alot of it, and dont give up. I am sure your friends are looking for you right now."

*Sam trys her best to comfrot Jamie but knows it probley isent helping much. Hearing the lock on the door up stairs Sam scurrys back over to the other wall.
So helpless and Weak, Jamie wondered how much time really had gone by. Hours seems like week without any light. Jamie new she had to stray strong though. That was part of being in TJY, the oth you took when you started. Jamie couldent put evenone alse in danger even if it ment giving her own life.*

*After Katie finishes with her therapy for the day she ehads to her room. It had been a few hours and wondered how everything was turning out. Grabing her phone she dials Reese number.*

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