

Though most would want to agree with Wes, it was obvious that storming the Agency wasn’t the best of plans.

Jeff catches Rosetta’s eye, sorry he’d suggested splitting up again. He hadn’t really wanted that to be an option, he’d just been trying to figure everything out.

It’s agreed that trying to find both the location of Dr. Medridge and Sam would be a good starting place to begin research again, while continuing to try and find the location of the last chip.

Con fills Katie in later when she calls, giving her a detailed report to give to Reese. He wants to elaborate on Jason’s change in demeanor but resists, not wanting to open up that can of worms. Instead, he makes small talk about working at TJY before ending the call.

Wyatt seems to have disappeared for the day, someone mentioning he got called out of the office, but early afternoon, an email pops up for Katie.
Thanks for breakfast. It was scrumptious. - Wy


Over the next couple weeks, Wyatt continues to give Katie and Laura rides to and from work as her car waits to get fixed, then winds up in the shop for longer than planned. No one minds though, all three winding up doing more together and enjoying the time to develop friendships.

Plunging ahead with new purpose, work on the case from the ranch takes on a fresh perspective, giving everyone new motivation. But as time drags on and little is found, the pace slows back to the depressing state of wondering if they’ll ever find what they need. The weather warms, creating a conflict of enthusiasm for spring mixed with a depression resulting from the realization that danger still lurks with no warning and no answers.


“So then I said I would go.” Jade giggles as she controls the swaying of the porch swing with her foot as she leans against Jason, his arms resting around her.

Jason grins at her high school story, and allows a long pause, the warm breeze seeming to lull them into a melancholy state.

Jade senses his quietness and questions it. “Penny for your thoughts.”

Jason rests his chin on her head. “Just thinking is all…it’s been a month since we’ve dug up anything substantial on this stupid case…the Agency, or Dr. Medridge at least, has gone back into hiding… it all just feels like a weird dream.”

“Yeah…” Jade sighs. “I was talking to Dad about it yesterday…he seemed a bit down over it. Come to think of it though, he’s seemed a bit off for quiet a while. I can’t put my finger on it though.”

Jason quirks an eyebrow. “I heard Sparky say something to Wes last week about him knowing that Mick’s been having nightmares something awful.”

“Really? I didn’t know that.”

“That’s all I heard though, so I’m not sure if that was everything or not.”

Another pause is allowed to reign for several minutes until Jade speaks up again. “How’s your knee after you twisted it yesterday?”

“Better.” Jason grimaces, remembering his sparring session with Con the day before. He’d held himself to a rigorous morning routine for weeks now, though yesterday was his first attempt at getting back into some hand to hand combat. He still depended on a cane to get around, but he’d set aside his crutches two weeks prior after receiving a positive report from JT. “Con felt terrible.”

Jade giggles. “Well you were fighting.”

“He said he shouldn’t have hooked my leg like he did.” Jason rolls his eyes. “He’ll get over it.”

“I’m sure.” Jade straightens up and sighs with content. “We still gonna go on that picnic you keep promising me?”

“Of course.” Jason pulls her back close to give her a bear hug and kiss on the head. “I always keep my promises.”

“Good. Tomorrow then.”

Clint sings at the top of his lungs to a song playing on the radio as he lies on his back under a car. Reaching for another tool, he realizes how much he’s learned since he started helping Wes… and his debt was almost paid off now too. He was going to have to ask Wes if he wanted help to continue, even if the original reason was taken care of.

Mick ties Beauty in the barn aisle, giving her a good brushing after the quick workout he’d given her. With the weather getting warmer, he knew Rosetta would probably saddle her up one of these days, and he wanted the young mare to be ready. Pausing, Mick leans on Beauty’s back for a moment, his mind wandering to last night’s nightmare all over again. Would the bad dreams ever stop? They were still haunting him…some worse than others, but all leaving him with a terror that clung to him throughout the day.

The afternoon at TJY seems slow with several people gone on vacation, and as a slowdown in cases comes. Reese keeps Katie busy with secretarial work though, impressed with her efficiency and adding a few more responsibilities to her plate, along with toying with several ideas for her to help with a few certain cases.

Wyatt leans back in his chair, his feet propped up on the break room table and he throws another dart, landing it near the bull’s-eye in the target on the far wall. Another throw lands his next dart dead center. “Ha!” He glances over to Katie. “I’d say ‘beat that’ but I’m afraid you will like you did last week.” He grimaces. “Scott still hasn’t let me forget that.” A grin escapes as he doesn’t really mind at all…he’d been having too much fun getting to know Katie to let anything bother him at this point. He pauses, his eyes twinkling. “I keep having to fight my jeep in the mornings not to drive by Laura’s, now that her car is fixed. I’ve considered tampering with her engine just so I could keep picking you guys up in the mornings.” He throws Katie a wink. “Guess Trooper and I will just have to take a few extra walks.”

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