
How Long?

Just sitting with Jade for most of the day Dan didn't mind. He had left once or twice but only for a short while to get his work done, and than come back. He liked keeping an eyes on Jade and be there if she needed anything.

Placing a fresh cloth on her neck he runs a hand down the side of her face, and along her jaw bone. Just cradling her face for a long moment as he looked into her eyes. Even as sick as she was they held so much life and energy in them.

"Even in your worst, your beautiful."

Letting his hand fall from her face Dan leans back a little to rest his back against the same wall Jade was leaning against. Kicking off his work boots so he too could bring his feet up on the bed. Staying silent for a moment before letting out a small chuckle.

"I miss having your help, but its ok. You get better and than you can again."

Giving a smile to Sparky Faith had hardly left his side. Even with Annie's prompting earlier to at least get out and some fresh air. Faith didnt know why she didnt want to leave Sparky's side, and the only time she did was when Angel was around but it just felt right to be here and help him.

Looking over at Sparky from the chair that was buy the bed Faith puts her book down for a moment. Giving a smile she new the risk she ran but there she was anyways.

"I guess that's a risk I am willing to take."

Standing Faith takes the blankets Sparky had kicked off and pulling them up over him once again. Tucking them snug around him.

"Sparky, I know your hot but you have to keep the blankets on ok? It will help break your fever that's what Angel said. There is more Ginger Ale and Crackers on the night stand here, if you think your stomach can handle it ok."

Stopping, playing, slowing down, slower, speeding up, still frame. It was easy for Dalton to do with Rick's direction on what he wanted done. Now starring at the image thats really all he can do. What he was seeing seemed unreal, even knowing about Jason and Katie's powers. They came out in a pattern?

Looking at the screen Katie's jaw almost felt like it wanted to drop just a little. It was the same pattern as on there hands. It was creepy to say the least.


Katie wasn't sure what else to say. It was right there, in there faces and yet it seemed so unreal. When Jason pushed out his emotion there was actually something there. Kaite felt like something else needed to be said, but she didnt know what. Only one thing could pop into her mind.

"Well, I guess they didn't brand us."

As pills were trying to be administered Bree fought it. She didnt want to take them, not again. Today was the first shock treatment and she had made it through ok as she tried to take her mind to a better place. But how long could she with stand it?

Continuing to refuse the drug Bree kicked and screamed. She no it did no use, but it was a panic thing that was hard to control. Even if she was calm, she new that still everything they were doing would continue to happen.

Finally the Dr's give up the fight of forcing her to take the pills. Bringing a syringe instead to inject her. Feeling the cool liquid run through her vein's Bree does her best to keep her one grasp of hope locked in her mind. Seeing Gunner's face she tried to let her body fall into the place he was as her eyes already started to grow tired.

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