
First Kiss

Panting Katie just didnt understand why the Agency was here and new where they were on this almost deserted road. Looking to Jason a small smile forms as she rests her hand on Jason's arm for a moment before letting go so he could check on the goons.

Careful, I don't trust them as far as I can throw them.

Being cautious herself Katie watchs Jason, and the man on the ground. Though looking away from a moment at a sound to her right proved to be the wrong move as more shots were fired. Startled Katie hits the ground hopping to miss stray bullets.


Once Katie sees the shooter go down by Wyatt she is on her feet again and to Jason's side only in the matter of moments. Almost instantly she could feel something was not right.

"J, Are you ok? What..."

Seeing the dart that was sticking out of his shoulder Kaite's blood goes ice cold. It didnt look like there was much damage but almost without warning she gets blasted with a amount of emotions she hadnt felt in a long time pluse ten. Letting out a long shrill yell Katie falls to her knees holding her head.

This wasnt right, there....Jason...he had no controlle. Hearing the light on the van shatter Katie knows this is bad, really bad and she was the only one who could do anything to keep them both together. Trying to clear her mind as much as she could it hurt so bad but she had to do it. For Jason, for herself, for Wyatt and anyone else how was around Katie had to.

Lifting her hand slowly it felt like it weighed a ton Katie takes Jason's hand in her own. Interlocking her fingers with his so she could let go, Katie does what she can to let herself take in the force of Jason's emotions. She didn't know how long she could last doing this without causing searous damage to herself but right now Katie didn't care.

Wimpering from the pain Katie opens her mouth to talk her words distorted, and soft Katie could only hope Wyatt would understand.

"Get....h...p...fast. Wh.....at..ever happens....don't let my hand fall....fa...from J..."

Working quietly Dan had known about Mick but just kept to himself for most of the night. He'd thought about alot of things and some he didnt understand or know how to react to so spending quiet time with himself was what he had wanted untill he met Jade for the night.

Turning right as Jade put her arms around him Dan was taken off guard for a moment but than relizing it was Jade and hearing her words Dan's own arms go around her. Pulling her closer to himself he leans his own head down on top of hers. Taking in the sweet smell of her hair Dan just holds Jade for a long moment.

Pulling Jade away just a little bit Dan looks down at her a small smile forming on her face. He new Jade was having a hard time with this whole thing and he couldn't blame he. It was alot to take at once but he admired her too. She was so strong and independent.

Leaning down to give Jade a soft much differnt kiss than only hours earlyer Dan's heart skipped a beat. Breaking the kiss his eyes stay on Jades as he searched there deepth. Bring a finger up to lightly follow the path the tear had made, whipping it away.

"It's going to be ok Jade, if we didnt have rain we would never appreciate rainbow. Your strong, and you need to keep that up for your Aunt, Dad and Brother. They need you."

Entering the house done for the day with her work Rosetta passes the answering machine pushing the button along the way. Going into the bedroom as the messages played Rosetta pushs some laundry away. The first message was someone calling about bording there horses, the second was from someone asking information about hay, and the last was Mick.

Stopping hearing Mick's voice Rosetta comes back into the kitchen standing just listing. Rosetta wished now she had stayed home so she could of gotten Mick's message, she missed talking to him. Just continuing to listen a tear slips out of Rosetta's eye. Mick said he would be back, but it felt like he was saying goodbye.

Flipping the light of in the kitchen Rosetta goes into the living room and sits down on the couch pulling the blanket over her. The tears would stop as Rosetta shook slightly, just crying herself to sleep.

Surprised by Gunner's sudden action to follow him Bree stands and follows almost being dragged but keeping up the best she can till they are outside. The night was chilli but it felt strangely refreshing at the same time.

Looking up at the sky Bree could feel her cheeks turn warm as Gunner's comment hit her ears. She'd never had someone say anything like this before. Having her head turned back to Gunner another comment comes, and a smile forms on her face. Gunner made her feel good, and her heart started to race.

As Gunner came in closer to her Bree could feel his breath on her skin and it felt like her heart was going to pound out of her chest, as a chill ran up and down her spin. Feeling Gunner so close Bree thought she might faint.

Closing her eyes and waiting, Bree finally feels Gunner's lips press to hers. Bree can feel her knees get weak and was glad for Gunner's arms around her so she didnt fall. A million and one feelings run through her veins.

As Gunner pulls away Bree keeps her eyes closed for a moment just standing there. Slowly opening them finally Bree looks back up into Gunner's eyes she cheek flush as a smile formed on her lips. It almost seemed like everything was brighter.

Leaning into Gunner a little more Bree continues to search his eyes. This was the moment she had been waiting for and it was even better than she could of dreamed. It felt like her words were cought in her throat but finally Bree is able to push out a few words that were a soft whisper.

"For someone who didnt know what they were doing, that was amazing. I...think we are more than friends now."

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