
Family emergency

Hearing a female voice, Sparky pries open his eyes just a little bit, enough to make out a figure in the doorway. He was so tired, he didn't bother responding, and wasn't surprised when he felt the bed move.

Thinking it would be Angel since Jim had said he would go get her, Sparky squints a little, making out the face that was looking down at him. The red hair immediately told him this was not Angel, and for a moment, he thought it was Annie. But as the soft features come into focus, Sparky realizes that it was Faith. He usually wouldn't he thrilled with someone else being in his bunk, let alone seeing him like this, but for some reason, it wasn't displeasure he felt, but rather a little feeling of peace. It confused him, but he was too sick to try and figure it out. "Faith... hi."

He lets his eyes fall shut again, then feels her hand on his forehead. Her skin was still cool from the outdoors and he could feel his body relax under her touch. He's almost disappointed when she gets up.

Hearing the request to roll over, Sparky cringes a little. Every single joint ached and his head pounded, the fever raging. Too out of it to even try arguing, he does as he's told, then feels the cold cloth. "That feels good," he whispers hoarsely, his eyes still closed. A little grin turns up the corner of his mouth. "Guess that ride... will have to wait, eh?"

Faith's question if she can do anything else cracks open his eyes again. He stares up into her face, wondering why she was even the one here helping him. But maybe he'd missed something. He did kind of feel like he was in a dream anyway. For all he knew, this really was a dream. Come to think of it, he didn't remember having purple curtains, let alone a ceiling that swirled in a counter-clockwise motion.

"You can stop the ceiling from spinning," he mumbles, lifting a finger to point at it. "I... don't think it's supposed... to do that." His eyes flutter shut then open again, moving to the wall. "Crap... the calendar is wrong."

In reality, there were no curtains, just his blinds, the ceiling was quite still, and there was no calendar on the wall at all. It was the fever talking as Sparky drifted in between what was real and what was a hallucination.

Jade groans as she feels the bed move, and finally hears Dan's voice. She mumbles something into her pillow, but it comes out sounding like gibberish. Licking her lips, she tries to roll onto her side, but her body ached too much.

"Dan?" She feels the cold cloth on the back of her neck and tenses a little at the shock, but then relaxes as the coolness soothes the heat that was running through her. Dan's hand gently rubbing her back helps her relax even more and she sighs deeply. "Mmm.... thank you."

Moving a hand from under the blanket, she reaches back to find his free hand and curls her fingers around it. "I just... gotta get up... help with chores.... just a few more minutes."

By the time Gunner reaches the hospital, his lungs feel like they're on fire and his sides ache. Stumbling into the hospital, he looks around wildly, trying to get his bearings.

"Sir?" A nurse approaches. "Sir, can I help you?"

"JT." Gunner whirls around, breathing heavily. "I mean, Jack... Jack Timble. The doctor. I need to see him now."

"I'm sorry, sir, but you will have to wait. Can I have your name please?"

Gunner's eyes narrow, his voice growing more firm. "I need to see Jack Timble now. There is no waiting."

The nurse backs up a step, her face paling a little. "I'm sorry. But I'll have to call the authorities if you don't calm down."

"Look, lady." Gunner closes the gab between them and pulls the chain around his neck to bring out his badge. "I am the authorities. Get me Dr. Timble now, or I'll find him myself."

Drawing in a shaky breath, the nurse blinks then nods, going to the intercom and paging JT. Gunner paces in front of the desk, bending to catch his breath, then pacing again. His legs hurt from running so hard and the back of his head was killing him from where he'd been hit twice.

It was ten minutes before JT finally comes, able to take a break. One look at Gunner and his pulse quickens. "Gunner... what's wrong?"

"They took her." Desperation shows in Gunner's eyes. "They took Bree."

"Whoa, what? Who? What happened?"

"We were..." Gunner is still catching his breath. "...at the diner."

"Slow down." Fear grips JT, but he forces Gunner to slow anyway. "You were at the diner?"

"Yeah... we were having fun and these guys came in. Two doctors, a cop and that guy, what's his name, Roger."

JT's eyes widen and his face loses color. His voice comes a little more stern. "What do you mean, Roger? What did they do?"

"They grabbed Bree. She tried to fight them off but they sedated her. I stepped in and I got conked over the head... twice. They wound up dumping me in an alley. When I woke up, I came straight here." Gunner's eyes are wild with a fear he didn't usually feel. "We have to find her... we have to get her back."

"I know, I know just stay calm." JT's mind races. "Do you know where they were taking her?"


"I bet it's Crescentview. We have to go... now." JT points to the nurse. "Family emergency, Mary. I'm off."

Her eyes go wide. "But you-"

"Unavailable. Have Dr. Fuller take over the Chambers case for me." JT calls over his shoulder as he follows Gunner to the door. "And tell her to make sure surgery gets scheduled for Mrs. Palmer!"

"I'm fine."

"Just give it another day or two."

"I feel fine!" Jason throws up his arms and stands from the bed. He'd already been up and dressed himself. It seemed the long sleep had done more for recovery than anything else.
If he tries to keep in bed one more day, I'm gonna scream.
"Now come on. What is it you wanted me to do?"

Rick heaves a frustrated sigh and turns from his work. "Alright. I give up. But lets go somewhere safer."


"Well I don't want you blowing things up in here!" Rick rolls his eyes, then glances to Katie. "No, I'm not going to even try to keep you here. It's not worth it. So come along." He waves to Misty across the infirmary. "We'll be right back."

Leading the way down the hall, Rick heads downstairs and to the rec room. Setting up a stool, then finding a drinking glass to set on it, he then glances up to the corner camera and goes to the intercom. "Dalton... would you please make sure that camera 5b is on? I'm gonna need that footage in a few minutes."

Jason eyes the setup skeptically.
I have no idea what he's doing, but I think he's lost it.

"Okay." Rick moves them back clear to the other side of the room and hands them safety glasses from the shooting area, insisting they put them on. "Alright, now go for it."


"Just break the glass."

Jason quirks an eyebrow but shrugs. Focusing on the glass, he musters up negative emotions within him.
In a sudden burst of energy, the glass shatters, sending sharp pieces in all directions.

Rick takes off his glasses and nods. "That's it."

"That's it?" Jason sighs. "Come on... tell me what you're doing."

"I won't know until I look at the footage. Follow me."

Jason tosses the glasses back on the rack and follows behind Rick, taking Katie's hand as they go.
Really... I think he really has lost it.

Rick heads back upstairs and straight down the hall to Dalton and Scott's office. "Alright, you two, need some video assistance."

Scott looks up, chewing on a piece of jerky. "Whatcha need?"

"Dalton just captured footage from the rec room. I need to view it in slow motion.... really slow motion."

"Gather 'round." Scott motions the three to squeeze behind the desks with him and Dalton. He glances to Dalton's screen and takes a swig of Mountain Dew. "You da pro. Show 'em what ya got. I'm still dealing with my insubordinate program."

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