

Catching Mick as he goes over Bolt's leg Dan pays close attachen. He could always learn something from him, and liked being up to the challenge of remembering what to do the next time something happened.

"Ok, I'll keep an eye on it, and if it looks like its getting worse, or not any better I'll let you know."

Leaning on the gate Dan waits till Mick is ready before opening the gate for him to let bolt out, and than closing it once again.

Giving Mick a sidelong glance at the mention of his daughter again Dan cant help but wonder if there was a hidden meaning some where or not. He couldnt shake the feeling that there was something behind Mick's questions.

"Yeah we get along pretty good. Though with Jade it seems like it would be hard for her NOT to get along with anyone. Anyways, I better get back to finishing everything up. I need to run into town in a little bit and want to get this all done first. I'll see ya later Mick."

Looking up from her bowl as she sat in the table Thirteen just looks at him for a long moment almost thinking he was crazy. Giving a shake of her head and a small laugh she stands to put her bowl in the sink.

"Honestly I think its pretty stupid they would of tryed to cage him up to start with. "

Running her water through the bowl Thirteen keeps her back to Ryder as she continues to talk.

"Why do they do that? Cage those animals up? I didnt like it, I am sure they don't eather."

Finally turning to look at Ryder Thirteen walks over to him. She seemed a little sad at the though of keeping the animles caged up not truly understanding why they did it.

"I think its pretty mean, you dont?"

Smiling and looking around Sapphire puts down the bedding, and boxs that held dishes and a few odds and ends for Gage. This would be where he would stay now, he could call this home. It wasnt a crappy little apartment and would suit one person well.

"Well, I can still bring breakfast for you if you like but thats up to you. I enjoyed being able to do it for you."

Taking a few of the boxs to the small kitchen Sapphire puts a few things away for Gage. She new this was going to be differnt for him, but she would do all she could to help him get use to it, and know what to do.

"I was thinking if you wanted I would take you shopping so you could get some stuff around here for yourself. I really dont have anything else to do today and I dont mind at all."

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