

Gunner can't really do much but obey Bree's promptings to get into bed. He didn't want to, but he didn't have the strength to fight. He felt pulled in a million directions, as if his brain were going dizzy. He wasn't quiet sure he'd understood correctly - Bree worked at the children's hospital... didn't she? Now he wasn't even sure about that.

Staggering a little, he finally falls into bed. His mind hurt too much to think anymore. His fight was being snuffed out, and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Mmhmm," he mumbles. "Turn the light... off... better to see... stars." Closing his eyes, it doesn't take much for him to be completely out. It would be over an hour before he woke...

The room was pitch black as the scream reverberates off the walls. Gunner crawls across the floor, sweat pouring. Making it to the doors, he wails as he beats his fist against it, not even feeling the pain as his knuckles split and bleed. "No! Let me out!"

Turning, he sees the creature again - a black nightmare with fangs and eyes that glowed as evil red. Gunner's heart raced at a dangerous rate as he began to hyperventilate, his fist still beating on the door. "No! Don't take me!" Shaking uncontrollably, he finally curls into a tight ball, in danger of passing out.

Jason smiles and leans his head down on Katie's.

Okay... that'll be your job, Hero.

He gives Katie an extra amount of warm emotions on return for her thanks. It;s short-lived though, when Dan appears, Jason nods to the others. "Guess that's our cue."

Jade grins at Dan, eying the fact that he'd left off his hat. At his question, she giggles then bites her lip. "I... don't think you want to know the answer to that one. But... I don't think he'd kill you. Maybe rough you up a little but..." Her eyes twinkle. "Come on. Lets get in the truck."

"Ahh hold up," Jason directs. "Dan rides shotgun with me and Clint - girls get the back seat."

Jade smirks at him. "Plan of someone's?"

"Nope. This way I'm not the one killed either."

Jade rolls her eyes but obeys, scooting into the backseat, making room for Wendy and Katie. "Just as long as you're a good driver," she remarks. "I saw you limping around today - wouldn't want your leg to go bad and we all line up in the ditch."

Jason laughs. "Nah, I'd say that bullet hole is done aching a while. But if I drive in the ditch, you can blame me to your dad so Dan doesn't get shot."

Clint slips into the middle, letting Dan have the passenger side. "I hope pizza is on the menu tonight."

Jade blinks. "We all just had supper."

"Yeah? So? Dan and I are growing boys." He elbows Dan. "Right?"

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