

"Orion Nebula...I'm going to have to look that one up. I dont really know to much about stars other than the normal. I'd like to know more though."

After cleaning the wound in Gunner's hand Bree wraps his nicly with the bandage not tight but enough that it would keep his hand together at least for tonight to let it heal just a little.

Once finished with his hands Bree runs her hand down the side of Gunner's face whipping the sweat away. Running her finger under his eye to take away the tear Bree wraps her arm around his back comforting him again and trying to get him off the floor.

"Its not going to come back, we will keep the lights on ok? Come on lets go to something a little bit more comfortable."

Helping Gunner back to the bed again Bree spots his crossword puzzle book. Grabbing it from the table along with a pen Bree sits down one the bed with him.

"Her looks here I found B..A..C..K..W..A..R..D..S backwards."

Circleing the letters Bree looks for the next word.

"Lets see what else both of us can find....Mmm..do you see any?"

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