

Jason nods a little to Katie, giving her back a light rub. "I'm glad I'm here."

The struggle continues for longer than Rick had predicted. Jeff is in torture, exhausted, but unable to sleep through the waves of pain and the delirium. Fever comes and goes, and so do persistent bouts of stomach problems.

Finally though... finally, finally, the bunkhouse becomes more quiet. Rick is slouched in a chair, feeling drained. Jason is pacing near the door. And Jeff is finally lying still in bed, his breathing shallow but steady. Drifting in and out of consciousness, his eyes flutter open about halfway. Everything was a big blur, fuzzy and spinning.

Licking his dry lips, he thinks he can still see Katie. "Guess I'm not... dead yet... huh?" He squints his eyes, trying to focus. "K... Katie? What... what's going on?"

Gunner's eyes narrow slightly in quiet amusement, and he just shakes his head as Hope walks away. Going for the phone, he dials Susanne's office. "Yeah... I'm gonna be out for a few minutes... my computer's running data. Yeah, thanks."

Hanging up, he grabs his keys and heads to the exit with the printout from Hope. He didn't waste time with these things, even though he would play it cool if approached.

Time flies when you're having fun... and sometimes even when you're not.

It's been an hour and a half, and the door to TJY opens once again. Gunner heads back towards his cubicle, his walk slightly agitated. Tossing a new piece of gum in his mouth, he flops into his chair to glare at his computer that's still processing. Opening a desk drawer, it slams shut again after he's retrieved a notepad that's half full of handwritten notes and charts and more notes. He starts scribbling more information, totally engrossed and not paying attention to whatever work he's actually supposed to be doing while at TJY.

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