

Continuing to listen Hope can feel herself become more and more confused. She new Katie, and she new her Aunt but the history in the family she didnt really know and this whole thing just made it worse. But trying her best to peace everything together Hope just continues to listing knowing that Scott needed her close. If for anything just to know he wasn't alone.

Coming up behind Rick Misty reaches out to touch the paper in witch Scott had drawn along with the other strand of DNA they had. Her brain taking there mental pictures, and the wheels already working as she saw a few possibility.

"I still don't understand any of this that's going on over in Texas with Katie, Jay, and Jeff but I can already see some possibles and its more than what we did have."

Looking to Scott and giving a smile and a slight nod of her head Misty was sensear.

"Thank you Scott, that was a great job you did."

Never leaving his side, writing, crumpling, throughing away, uncrumpling, throwing away again time and time again Misty continued to work with Rick. Calling off her date with Carson once again Misty gives her many sorrys as she explains what she was working on was big and could very well save Jeff's life. There was no time to wast. Even as her own body wanted to rest Misty will it forward, this was her job, this was her life, this is what she loved to do. And so they continues to work as day turned to night, and night turned to day once again...

Keeping to herself and working quietly Ryan's mind never stoped working. Only it wasnt work, or her races she was thinking about. Leo was what clouded her mind, a way to say sorry, a way to let him know she did care even as she came up blank her mind just reverted back to the look on his face two days ago. The pain she had seen, the hurt she had caused.

Not even hearing Jed at first Ryan continues to work trying to losen a bolt on the engine. At the moment his voice breaks through the bolt gives and Ryan slips slicing her hand on another sharp peace of metal. Letting a curse slip from her lips she looks up at Jed not noticing the harsh tone in her voice as her hand throbbed.

"What...what I am trying to work?!"

Relizing after she said it how her voice must have sounded Ryan shook her head as she wrapped her rag around her bleeding hand. Coming around the car she stops next to Jed giving him an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry Jed, I am not sure when Darrel will be back. I am pretty sure before he left he had said late tonight or early tomorrow, but....dont hold me to that might get me into trouble."

Letting out a long sigh Ryan holds up her hand to indacate she was going to take care of it before blood got everywhere. Turning to head over to the bathroom Ryan stops as she spots the blond and sees Leo go to her.

Ryan can feel her heart stop, and than start again as her stomach churns and it feels like someone reached in twisting it all around. Watching them leave Ryan cant help as her eyes follow them.

Once they are out of the shop her eyes stay on the door for a long moment as she blinks away something wet that had formed in her eyes. Finally moving again Ryan makes her way to the bathroom to clean and wrap her hand. It only takes moment to finish but before she leaves Ryan just looks for a long moment in the mirror. Giving a shake of her head Ryan turns and heads out of the bathroom once more heading back to the car she had been working on.

Looking down at it for a long moment Ryan couldnt get her brain to focus on it again. It just wouldnt work. Shutting the hood with a bang Ryan grabs her jacket and looks over at the other guys.

"I have to get out of here. Mind covering for me if Darrel decieds to come back early?"

Katie sat quietly at the end of the table not really joining in much conversation. She had been so tired and really didnt want to leave Jeff but Angel was with him and she needed to get something to eat. So coming to the dinning hall seemed to be the best solution if only for a little while.

Now thought after starting to hear a little bit of Mick and Cindy's conversation she wondered if she really would of been better off not knowing. Jason had been out, and not once did he come to the ranch. He new Jeff was dying, and he new Katie was having a hard time with it but still he didnt come? Why?

Standing almost abruptly Katie starts to make her way to the door. She didnt know if she was mad, or just hurt Jason hadnt come to see her. Stoping by Cindy to give Kaylee a little pat Katie looks at Cindy trying to give a small smile.

"I'm happy you had a nice time while Jason was out. Must of been good to see him."

Lowing her eyes again Katie finishs making her way to the door before slipping through it.

Watching from his own seat down Dan had noticed Katie's reaction and over heard the conversation himself. A little confused he was still concerned for Katie.

Poping the last chip into his mouth Dan stands as Mick called him. Looking twords him he throws his stetson back on his head before taking the short strides to Mick's side.

"Yeah, yeah yeah I'm ready."

Just standing there for a moment looking twords the door Katie had gone out he couldnt help but get a strange vibe and feel bad for her again.

"Sooo..who's Jason and why does Katie look so upset over not seeing him?"

Making her way across the grass once more Katie takes in a deep breath and lets it out seeing her own breath in front of her as it was a little colder today. She told herself not to over react, and to stay clam but she still couldn't help but be upset. Finally pulling her phone out Katie dials his number at the office wondering if he was back there yet.

Just letting it ring Katie figures the voice mail in his office would pick up any moment as all unanswered calls were reverted there. But much to Katie's surprise on the ring before the voice mail would pick up she heard a very familiar voice and for a moment was a little surprised.

"Thank your for calling The Elite how can I help you?"



"Hey its Katie long time no talk I guess I wasnt exspecting you to answer the phone."

Katie tryed to sound cheery but new she was doing a fail job at it. It was just so hard.

"Oh Hey Hero, yeah the last few says Susanne has been sick, and everyone had been pretty busy, Jamie has been using a bunch of sick time too so I was here and free. Did you need to talk to Reese?"

Katie pases in the grass a nervous habbit she noticed she had picked up since coming here.

"No actually I was wanting to talk to Jason please."

Thinking a moment Sapphire cocks her not seeing Jason back yet.

"He's out to lunch right now, but he's usely back in about a half hour. Camryn has to be to work but than most days."

Taken back for a moment and feeling like she had reserved a punch to the gut Katie managed a whisper, maybe she had heard wrong.

"Cam...Camryn is back in town?"

"Oh yeah, she had been back for a while now. Jason spends most of his lunches with her I am suprised he never said anything."

"Must...oh slipped his mind. Can you send me to his voice mail please?"

"Yeah sure thing Katie. It was good talking to you. We miss you here, hope you come home soon."

Hearing a beep Katie knows Sapphire was patching her over to Jason's voicemail. As the silence lingers Katie has time to think and she dosent like what her own mind come up with. Maybe thats why he didnt tell her he was here. Maybe things were....

Getting cut off Jason's voice mail comes on the link and Katie waits. She didnt even know what she was going to say but now she had to say something.

"Hey J. I...well..."

Katie lets out a long sigh as she shakes her head and sinks down onto the wet grass a small tear rolling out of her eye. She thought she was getting better, she felt like she was gaining control and now it felt like things were crumbling down.

"Sapphire told me you were out to lunch with Camryn, so I figured I wouldn't bother you on your cell. I just wanted to tell you, you mom really appreciated you came to see her. She really missed you a lot. I hope next time I'll get to see you too."

Katie is silent for a moment as she can feel her emotions well even more, like a brick was on her chest.

"Anyways, have a good lunch and I'll talk to ou soon I guess. Take care J. I...love you."

Katie's last words were soft and trailed off as she hung up the phone. Just continuing to sit in the glass as the small tears rolled down her cheek.

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