

Continuing to work through the night and into the day Misty only left Rick's side to eat, use the bathroom and call Carson to see how he was. There was little time to wast and Misty new they needed all the could get.

"We are close Rick I can feel it, we are close."

Leaning in a little closer Misty flips through the paper work as she jots down different notes. Her research skills kicking in once again digging in deeper as she liked to.

Carrying the bag that held three peanut butter sandwiches, chips, some fresh baked cookies and milk Katie makes her way back to the bunkhouse. It had been a long night that turned to morning and than went into the afternoon. Though it was long Katie never complained, she didn't mind being there for her Uncle it was the least she could do. Making him smile, reliving old memories was always nice for her.

Giving a smile and walking up onto the pourch Katie gives a small smile. It was a bad reason for her whole family to come together but it felt nice to have everyone in one place. Opening the door Katie enters.

"Rosetta made fresh cookies for you Uncle Jeff. She new...."

Stoping what she was saying Katie looks from her dad to Jeff, than her dad and Jeff again. It was obvious she was interrupting something from the look on both men faces along with the last few words she had heard.

"If...I'm interrupting something I can go and come back?"

Katie's face held a look of confusion as she looked between both men.

Sitting in the interrogation room that had become her office Hope shifts trough some files and papers she had layed out. Today was another session with Gunner and so far he was 15 minutes late. Maybe she had scared him away or maybe he just wasnt going to come.

Letting out a small sigh Hope felt uncomfortable in this room, but its were Gunner new to find her and its all Rick had given her for now so it had to do.

Looking at her watch Hope counts. She would give Gunner 15 more minutes and if he didn't show up she would see if Reese might know where he was.

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