
One after another

Seeing the Dr come out Charlotte instantly stands up waiting to hear the news. Her heart still pounded inside her chest as if it was almost going to explode.

Listing to everything that had happened to Landon and that he would be ok gave Charlotte hope that Bret would be alright as well. Its all she had to hold onto right now that kept her from going crazy.

Taking JT's hand in her own she holds it for a long moment before letting go and bring her one arm down to her side while her other she wraps around herself waiting for the new on Bret.

"Please, how is my husband? Will he be ok?"

Looking up at the Dr with big bright eyes that held a a fear in them, and yet a little bit of hope. Hearing that Bret was alive Charlotte let out the breath she had been holding in. Though Bret was far from out of the woods she was thankful for now he was alive. Bret had always been a fighter and Charlotte just had to keep hope that he would fight through this was well.

Turning back to Kirk she gives a small nod and lays a hand on his arm.

"I'm going to go in and see him. Thank you! Let Landon know I send my wishes and if I can I will come and see him as well."

Turning back to JT Charlotte was ready to go and see her husband. Even if he wasn't awake right now at least she could be near so he would know he had a reason to pull through.

"I'm ready to go see him."

Walking by the kitchen Aerith stops and gives a smile to Carson. She'd gotten use to him running things now and it no longer felt strange. He did a good job anyways at it so there really was no complainants.

"Things are going good. He's been pretty busy the last few weeks but I understand its his job and all so it ok. He see me when he can."

Aerith gives another smile at Carson. She new things had been crazy specially with Carson away so much helping the elite it had to be busy. But Wyatt still came to see her almost everyday when he could even if it wasnt for long, and for that she was thankful.

"...Yeah so thats the lowdown really. I was hoping too if you remembered what the medicine Jeff was on was called? I know it didnt solve the problem last time but it help him at least."

Katie stood in the break room leaning on the counter as she talked with Angel. It was quiet in there and if some tears slipped out only one person would know and she would rather keep it that way.

"Yeah he was on a low dose of Oxycodone. Only about five mg of it when the pain got to bad."

Angel pulled out Jeff's file and flipped through the papers quickly looking for what she wanted on Jeff's illness. It had been a while since he had been sick now and they had thought on taking out the chip he was better and he was still now.

"Katie, let Rick know if might be an allergic reaction he is having to a melat. Thats what it was before. I am going to see if I can get the computer chip from Rosetta and run some tests on it to see if I can pin point anything to help more. ok?"

Though Angel couldnt see her Katie nodded anyways.

"Ok, I'll let him know thanks Angel."

Hanging up the phone Katie takes in a long breath of air and lets it out slowly. Exiting the breakroom Katie makes her way back to the infermary to watch over Jeff more and let Rick know what Angel said.

The rumble of a motercicle draws closer, the crackle of tired on the dirt as it slows and parks outside TJY. The figure that sat ontop of it just staired at the building for a long moment till finally he got off the bick and pulled helmet off.

Phinox took in a deep breath of air. A few new scars covered his face and he walked with a slight limp now but he had exscaped the grasp of The Agency once again. Now it was time to face the music here. He couldn't run forever. Jail or worse Phinox new he had to do what was right. He didnt have much left anyways.

Walkinig into TJY Phinox keeps his head down not to draw attachen to himself as the sound of his leather jacket crackled with every step he took.

Getting to Reese's office and not seeing Susanne around he knocks on the door. Hearing the answer to come in Phinox enters. His eyes lock with Reese but there were differnt from before. They were now tired and almost sad.

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