

Ryder sinks down behind the steering wheel, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. His cell phone was in his pocket, and he dreaded getting a call, but it's what he'd decided and he was going to stick to it. Thirteen deserved more than being stuffed in the spare room forever.

Shifting his weight, Ryder yawns and folds his arms. But his position doesn't last long. A few minutes later, the seat is leaning back and he's trying to avoid the pedals at his feet.

Ten minutes and a cramp in his leg force him into the back seat where he fights with lack of space to stretch out. The car rocks as he roots around. When his head hits the door handle for the fourth time, he crawls up into the passenger seat instead. With that chair back as far as it can go and reclined as far as it can go, Ryder sets his feet up on the dash. Within fifteen minutes, his legs have fallen asleep, but he himself is far from the rest he seeks.

Giving a loud grunt, he throws open the door. The night air was warm and would have been stale, but a cool breeze was blowing to relieve the temperature. Ryder gets out of the car and leans his arms on the roof for a moment, sighing deeply. After a few moments, he moves and climbs onto the hood, lounging back against the windshield with his hands up behind his head. The stars were out tonight. He couldn't see as many as he could back home... back in Australia, that is. But at least there were a few that broke through the darkness. The moon was bright as well. Was it possible that it was the same moon that shone in Australia?

He hadn't had much time lately to reflect... he'd been kept busy enough. But tonight... being out here... it was quiet. And he missed home again. He felt so out of place here. Maybe being at TJY really wasn't what he should be doing here. He wanted to be a part of it... but if there was anything he didn't feel like, it was being "elite." Maybe he should just get out of Reese's hair and find something else. Maybe he could even go back to a different part of Australia. Start new there instead.

Taking a lung full of air, he holds it a moment before letting it out slowly. Some things were so easy. Some things were so hard. Now if only he could get to sleep so he would stop thinking about it.

Leo winces as Ryan cleans the cut on the top of his hand. Grimacing, he tries to act like it's nothing, though. After a moment, his eyes drift up from his hand to Ryan's face instead. "Looks like you need to see to your own battle scar," he comments.

Bringing his other hand up, he traces around the red mark where Alec had slapped her. "I shoulda slugged him before he got you like that."

"You've got to be kidding me."

Axel turns around quickly at the sound of Carson's voice. "Well I don't know about Reese, but I'm certainly not kidding. This him?"

Carson rolls his eyes. "Yeah. The idiot. What did he want and how did he end up here?"

"Don't know. Looked like he was just trying to get to some cash when Leo walked in here. He held Leo with a letter opener to the throat, then Ryan came in through the back so we could surprise him. Worked okay. Leo got cut on the hand and Ryan got slapped but... as you can see, we got him down."

Reese looks over the counter and shakes his head. "I'd still like to know how he got out."

Carson goes around and kneels next to his brother and gives him a shake. "Hey. Alec. Wake up."

Getting a light slap to the face, Alec blinks, then immediately tries to slug Carson. Carson is faster though, and grabs his wrists. "Steady on," he growls. "You're coming with us." Yanking Alec to his feet, he gives no mercy.

Alec gives a shout as he's back on his feet. "No! Let me go! You can't hold me forever!"

Reese grumbles a complaint about having to deal with people like this, then approaches to easily slap his wrists in handcuffs. "You're right. We can't. Which means, you'll probably end up behind bars. How's that?"

Fire flashes in Alec's eyes but he doesn't answer.

Reese nods to Carson. "Take him out to the car. I want to talk to the others here."

Carson obeys, taking Alec outside.

Taking the hint, Axel opens the door to the shop and hollers to Ryan and Leo. "Hey, guys - we need to tell what happened. Come back for a minute."

Once Carson is outside, he shoves Alec towards the waiting car and spares no brute force, getting him into the back seat before slamming the door. Sliding into the passenger seat, he waits, prepared for a quiet wait. But Alec seemed determined to talk for some reason.

"You want to blame someone for me getting out?" A crooked smile spreads on Alec's face, as if he's proud of getting out, even though he'd been caught.

Carson quirks an eyebrow. "I think you're the one at fault here."

"Maybe. But why don't you ask our sister?"

"Dani?" Now Carson is on edge. "She had nothing to do with this and you know it!"

"You sure?" Alec taunts him. "You know she came to see me a couple times..."

"Dani wouldn't let you out," Carson snarls. "She knows better."

"Does she?"

"Shut your trap." Carson leans against the window, not wanting to hear any more. But something in the back of his mind evoked doubt. Why would Alec have made that up?

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