
Time is now

Hearing the comotion Alice comes out of her bedroom, the smile from lastnight still played on her face. She had spelt a little later than normal but the bed had felt so much nicer than her car steat.

Wanding over to where the others were thinking maybe Kyle was being his normal hamself and everyone was watching Alice catchs the end of the talking and looking into the room to see Kyle in bed, than she see someone else go for the phone and dial 911.

I cant wake him. The words echo in her ear as her heart starts to race. An all to familure feeling wells inside of her as an almost panic takes over.

Seeing Jordan holding everyone back at the doorway Alice makes her way to the front of the mob. Lookinng Jordan dead in the eye her worry was aparent as her eyes started to turn bloodshot. She felt sick to her stomach but she wasnt going to be kept back.

"Let me go through to go to him."

Ducking underneath his arm Alice goes to Kyle. Sitting down on the bed she dosnt say anything louder than a whisper letting Kyle know she was there and to hang on.

Gently taking one of his lifeless hands in her own. This couldnt happen, not again, not now.

Giving a gently squeeze of Laura's hand Nate breaks away from the others and readys his gun. Slowly, yet fast at the same time his makes his way through the tall grass using it as cover and the trees at well making his way to the junk yard. Finally in position Nate gives his signal he is ready keeping his eyes sharp and listing to everything that was going on.

Letting out a long breath Phinox new the time was now. Looking out the window He can see Rod standing with another guy and someone would looked like Kaite. Down to a T is looked like her.

"Thats not Katie. They did a pretty good job with this one make her look like the real thing as soon as you guys got her put her in cuffs or she will backstab you when she can."

Giving another sigh he looks to the other and than Reese again.

"We need to go now."

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