
Something more

Reese takes a deep breath, finally just shrugging lamely. "I don't know if we can trust him or not, Nate. But at this point, he's all we got. If this fails, then all we have left to do is negotiate further with the Agency. They haven't killed Katie yet... we still have something they want... so... we still have a bargaining chip, whether we want to use it or not."

He shakes his head. "Sometimes I think we shouldn't have called in Derek and Jay... but then one, we still might need them, and two, I assume the Agency would have known, had we not called them in."

Looking at Nate's tired eyes, he purses his lips. "Get some rest, Nate... none of us will be any good if we're dead tired when we need to act. Why don't you go rest in the spare room... We'll call you if anything else happens."

Laura sniffs and wipes her nose again with a tissue, leaned back against the wall as she sits on the spare room bed. “I just… I want to be out there, ya know?” She looks down, feeling so weak for having finally crumbled. “I mean… maybe Katie and I weren’t best friends, but… she’s the only girl friend I’ve had that I’ve been able to trust and if anything happens to her…”

“Hey, it’s alright.” Ryder puts an arm around her as he sits next to her, his legs stretched out over the bed. He sets his can of pop aside, giving Laura’s arm a little run. “Katie will be fine. She’s a fighter… I know she’ll make it through this.”

“But what if she doesn’t?”

“She will.” Ryder’s voice grows stern. “We’re all stuck here without being able to do a thing and we’re all tired and frustrated. On a normal case, those of us who didn’t have anything to do would just go home… but this time we’re all wanting the information as soon as it comes in, so we’re hanging around, worrying ourselves sick.”

He sighs. “She’ll come back… we have to believe that.”

Laura sniffs one last time before leaning into Ryder, resting her head on his shoulder. He was warm and comfortable, and she was still exhausted.

Hunter grins as they walk, falling into a light conversation, sharing more about himself, and learning a few more things about Alice too.

By the time the hotel comes back into view, it hardly feels that the time has passed at all. Reaching their floor, Hunter walks Alice to her and Chloe’s room, stopping for just a moment. He gives her hand a little squeeze before letting her go. “Well… I guess this is goodnight.”

As he looked into her eyes, one could tell that there was something more that he was holding back. But he doesn't act on it, simply taking one step back instead. "See you in the morning."

Gage eyes Phinox warily as the desk is browsed through. When Phinox reaches the bottom drawer, he puts his foot out, so his boot blocks it from being opened. He stays in the same position though, lifting an eyebrow. "Last I knew, 'snooping' wasn't on the agenda."

He keeps his arms crossed and cocks his head. "I'm here to keep eyes from looking too deeply, and to make sure our pet downstairs stays where she is. Got a problem with that?"

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