
Sends his Love

Giving Scott's arm a pat she new he was feeling antious and just wanted to get everything done an over with, but he needed his rest and to be strong for when the talk with Carson would happen.

"You need to rest now Scott, and be strong before we have the talk with Carson. I know everything inside it so hard for you but just rest for now ok."

She felt bad for her friend and new he just wanted to get it done and over with but he had to rest, for now thats all he needed.

Taking Hunter's hand in her own Alice stands and starts to walk with him the smile forming on her face again.

"I'd like to get to know you more as well Hunter. A friend ship is always a good place to start right?"

Continuing to talk Alice gives Hunter's arm a little squeeze. She new she had a few feelings running around inside of her, and she new they felt good. Now she just needed to completely let go and know it was ok to do so and she could only hope in time she would.

"My name is Alice Amanda Whitt. My best friend is Kyle. As of right now I am a reporter and I follow a group called BreakOut. I like it because I feel like I belong and I can be close to people again.'

Alice gives a small smile.

"My father passed away a while ago, and my mom is in a nursing home right now. Anything else we need to go over?"

It felt good to talk a little about herself and help someone get else get to know her like Kyle did. It was fun to shair some storys as well.

Entering the small building Phinox follows Rod's directions to get to the area where Katie and Gage where. The building was alot bigger than he had exspected but as he walked he took in everything around him.

Coming to the door at the end of the hall Phinox takes the key from his picket and opens the door steping in an taking a look around.

Seeing Gage over at the table Phinox gives a small nod knowing Gage would know who he was.

"Gage, good to see you again. Rod said he would be back shortly."

Continuing to walk through the rest of the area taking in the sights Phinox looks at the clock fast. He'd been gone an hour, he had a few left he needed to take his time.

Coming to another heavy door Phinox opens it slowly and squints into the dark seeing the stairs that lead down. Decending them he could only guess where they twisted turns would lead him. Getting to the bottom his guess was right as he saw Katie's limp body slumped to the floor. Walking twords her slowly Phinox gets very close and looks up at the blinking camra knowing Carson was probley watching his gave a salute to let him know he was in but didnt say anything not let.

Bending down next to her Phinox looks over Katie injorys and frowns. They were far worse than what the camra showed and he only hoped they could help her in time.

Leaning close to Katie's eat Phinox gave a whisper.

"Katie Pent, I know your very weak right now, but I also know you can hear me. My name is Phinox and I have come to help TJY get you out of here. I will be leaving again but we will be back for you. Jason also sends his love."

Standing again a sad look pass his eyes before he heads back up and out of the basment.

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