
Sad and Happy

The air in the room was thick as much sarrow hung in the air. The feeling of being able to see ones friend and know she was dieing, but not being able to help her. Nate stood with Laura in arms giving her comfort and searching for his own.

Katie's words hit his heart as he choked back tears that wanted to come forward but he refused to let flow. He needed to be strong, for Laura, for Katie he had to keep a clear head to move forward in hope to find her before it was to late.

Rubbing Laura's back Nate moves his head down not being able to look at the screen anymore nuzzaling his face into Laura's soft sweet hair.

Please God, let us find Katie in time. She means so much to all of us.

Though her name wasnt called Jamie stood with Con knowing that he would need comfort just like everyone else. Katie had become close to him, not mention her as well.

Resting her hand on Con's arm Jamie does her best to comfort Con as a few of her own tear run down her face.

Please dont let this be it.

Looking to Reese Phinox gives a small nod. He new Reese was right and now the Agency would be contacting him again with a bargen. They wouldnt be happy once found out he had taken Gage, and now had some ground over them.

"Lets get everyone together so I have show you the plans of the place, and I can relay everything to you. I am sure it wont be long before I get word from the Agency eather and I want us to have a plan before than."

Turning Phinox makes his way to the meeting room. His eyes still held there coldness, he had to keep it that way. His emotions couldnt get in the way not if he was going to pull this off.

Taking the note from Carson Hope looks at it for a moment. Seeing what the note said and than hearing Carson words Hope was confused for a moment before looking up into Carson eyes and understanding.

A cold chill ran down her spin from the look Carson held. He was trying to be strong but passt the wall and the tone in his voice told a differnt story of sarrow and loss.

"Ok, thanks Carson."

Watching Carson walk away Hope just looks at the paper for a moment. She had hurd Scott's question and had choak back her own small sob for the woman she hardly new.

Finally looking to Scott Hope eyes were a little red, but she composed herself well for her friends sake.

"Its a note from Katie. She said "Scott, dare to dream and get out in the world again."

Hope drew silent as her hand founds its way to Scott's. She didnt know what else to say on the subject. She just wanted to be there for him once again.

The sound of feet running through the fresh grass can be hurd coming up the the big barn doors. Struggaling for a second BJ pulls and pulls on the handle trying to open the heavy wooden door. Finally he gets enough room that someone his size could fit through.

Starting to run again BJ stops for a moment thinking deep. The memories of Micks words to him about the dangers of running in the barn and how he shouldnt do it echoed in his head. Starting down the stalls again BJ walks slower but excitment still in his step. Going up to each stall BJ stands on tip toe to see in straining his neck. Finally coming to a stall door that hand another smaller door on it about BJ's level he looks in to see the new foal. Giving a smile he reaches in to pet the long silky nose.

Taking his hand out again BJ reaches into his pocket and pulls out a half cut apple. Pulling on it BJ breaks it apart the rest of the way before reaching back into the stall and offering the half to the foal.

"Here Eastern Promise, I know you like apples. You can shair mine."

Feeling the young horses lips on his hand BJ lets out a laugh peeking in the door again to watch the foal eat as he bits into the other half of his apple again only to give a cring of pain. As if remembering something he looks into the stall once again.

"I'll be back later girl."

Coninuting down through the stalls BJ ducks in and out as if looking for someone finally coming to the tack room. Opening the door the smell of leather hits his nose. How he liked the smell already and didnt mind being in this room as the saddles were being polished.

Smiling as he sees who he was looking for BJ enters more shutting the door behind him. Slipping onto the empty spot next to Mick BJ takes his own cloth from his pocket and starts to rub the saddles infront of Mick with him. Finally turning He gives a large smile.

"Dadda, I gots a loose tooph...seeeeee...."

Taking his toung BJ pushed on the front tooth on the bottom making it wiggle back and forth proud of his baby teeth falling out and his new ones coming in.

"I gave Eastern Promise half my apple, I couldnt eat the other because of my tooph it hurt to much. Once it falls out, than I will get moneys under my pillow. Than when I haz moneys, I will buy more apples."

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