

Hunter cocks his head a little, relieved that he wasn't the one that had caused Alice grief, but something had.

The corner of his mouth upturns just a little. "Yeah... I know what you mean."

He pauses, both hands still tucked in his jacket pockets until he reaches one hand out slowly. He slides a finger under Alice's chin, tilting her head up to look at him again. He saw the leftover tears, and heard the sorrow in her voice. "What makes you want to run and hide, Alice, hmm?"

Scott stays on the floor, with barely enough strength to keep his head up as he throws up again. Exhausted and aching all over, he closes his eyes and just rests his head on the toilet, trying to regain some control. Half of his mind was still trapped in the horrible nightmare.

Hearing Hope's voice, he doesn't move. Cringing, he tries to stop his stomach, but it's no use. Everything he had left was coming up one way or another. He groans a little after retching again. Pain crawled through his gut and his head throbbed.

He just sits, now focusing on trying not to pass out. His voice is weak and timid. "Just... remind me," he begs. "Remind me... that I'm here... and not there..." Though he wishes the bathroom door were closed so he could shut himself off from everything, a part of him was glad that it allowed him to hear Hope's voice.

He swallows hard and leans his head to the side, against the wall, afraid to try getting up just yet, and not knowing if he could anyway.

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