

Pulling into the TJY parking lot Phinox takes the car up to the front doors not even bothering to park the car. Jason needed Rick and they needed to get there prisoner inside, there was no time.

Jumping out of the car Phinox goes to the back of the truck and unhooks the tailgate. Reaching in he unhooks the prisoner and pulls him from the back. Holding tight to the handcuffs Phinox leans close to him and snarles his spainish accent coming forth to send chills down anyones spine.

"Dont try anything funny or you will wish you never were born."

Pushing Reiker twords Jason's side of the door Phinox opens it and reaches in taking Jason's arm and putting it over his shoulder and his arm around his waist to help Jason. Keeping a farm hold around Jason's wast and his other on the handcuffs pushing Reiker along into TJY and down the hall his strangth is aparent more than one might think at first glance.

Looking back at Trooper Phinox gives a sharp whistle not knowing if the dog would listen to him of not.

"Come on you, help me keep this guy in line."

Hearing Scott's words Nate's head jerks up taking the paper quickly from Scott. What did he mean it was Katie? Nate's hand shook at his stomach tied in knots typing in the web adress. She wasnt even sure he wanted to see. Could it be letter? Pictures? No matter how Nate trying to repair himself for what he was to see Nate was shocked by the sight that instintly made an anger flair inside of him.

"They are taunting us. This is....Ryder go get Reese please."

Nate's strong voice cracks a little as he trys to hold his emotions in. It had been emotional enough knowing Katie was taken but now to see her and not be able to do anything was a whole new level.

Hearing a clicking sound Katie lifts her head a little and squints through the dark. The only light there really was was a dim one that eluminated her but not what was around her. Licking her dry lips Katie can tast the tryed blood on them and cringes on them a little bit. Dirt streaked her face and Katie could feel the swelling and brusing in her face from where she had been hit. Lookig past the dim light Kate could see a small flashing red light that was ever so tiny. It almost looked like a camra. Ten to one told her it was probley a sacurity camra to watch her, what alse could it really be. Coughing a little Katie can feel a lump in her dry through as her saliva glands try to work to keep her mouth from being dry. How long would she be here and did she really want to leave if Jason wasnt around anymore?

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