

After informing everyone of what was going on with Scott Dalton makes his way to the breakroom for a moment. Frustrated the tention in the air with everything didnt help. In frustration Dalton slams his fist on the counter before backing up a few steps.

Getting ahold of himself again Dalton makes his way back into the infermary to sit a little bit longer with Scott. He just wanted to make sure he would be ok.

Sapphire nods at Carson as a small smile forms. She liked being able to help more, being part of the help was nice.

"I am one step of head of you. The scans are already running and it should take anout an hour."

Sapphire flips through a paper she had in her hand and than holds it out to Carson.

"Did find out though that it was used on one of the keypade down stairs."

Getting the phone call Hope is a bit saprised and is a bit upset to hear things had gone down hill so fast. She had just seen him and he was doing ok when she saw him last and now he was bag again.

Whatever she had talked to Scott about the night before had gotten worse and gone bad. This was imporant, this was her friend and he needed her.

"Yes, yes of course. I will be right down."

Hanging up the phone Hope wasts no time in gathering a few things before heading out of the office. Stoping at the front desk she smiles at her reseption desk.

"Hey Rose can you cancle all my apointsments for today please? An emergncy came up."

Leaving the office Hope makes her way to the destionation and in no time at all arrives. Entering TJY Hope is quick to enter TJY letting people know who she was as she want to the infermary.

Entering and seeing Scott Hope's heart sinks. He had bruses, he had cuts, her heart acked.

Going over to Rick her look was ferm as her eyes search his face.

"Whats going on here? Who did this to Scott?"

Glancing around the room she takes note to the woman behind the desk, another pashen in a bed, and the hulk of a man sitting in a chair next to Scott's bed. It was a full house in here and for it being her first time she was saprised.

Wendy's eyes grow wide as she looks to Clint. Today had been a normal check up and her mom was going to be doing the ultra sound. Clint had come with her because she wanted him there to see there baby for the first time. But to come and hear this....Wendy felt shocked, she felt stunned...she...didnt know what to think.

"Are...you sure?"

Angel nods and smiles at her daughter and future son in law. Pointing to the screen as she movies the soft tool over Wendy's large belly.

"I am 100% sure. See here is one head..and right here is the other one. Unless you baby has two heads and I asure you thats not it. Your having twins."

Just stairing at her mom she isnt quiet sure what to say. She wanted to be happy, she wanted to be excited but she felt so scaired. Not to mention she didnt know how Clint felt about this.

Turning her head to look at him again her face holds question, maybe not even on which he could answer.

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