


Shaking her head as she watched Kyle run off a smile escapes her lips. Turning her head to look at Hunter as he talks Alice continues to smile. She hadnt talked much with the others except for a little here and there when they stoped to help her fit in but now it was nice to see Hunter making an effort to talk with her on a more personal level.

"Noise I think I rather like it."

Taking her last sip of coffee Alice throws it into the bin that was right next to the bench and closes her laptop for now. Looking down for a moment Alice holds her smile though for a second maybe her eyes said she was thinking about something.

"Well thank you very much for the offer. Something tells me though you would have to fight Kyle for the spot but maybe sometime if your lucky and he is in a good mood he'll let ya."

Looking around again Aerith sees a few things that still need to be done but its nothing big and she can take care of most of it herself.

"Nah I think I'm ok. Thanks Con for all your help."

Standing Aerith makes her way over to the sink to start finishing up the few dishes quick before leaving herself. Stoping half way there Aerith turns around and gives a smile to Con.

"Keep your chin up Con and keep faith in God He'll lead you down the path he wants."

Giving a nod at Carson's answers to her questions Angelica takes a few notes before drawing silent and look them over for a moment.

Drawing a picture in her head, and already forming words, reason, motives, and more questions her brain quickly works.

"Well from the looks of it they really cant have all that on you except for you past and to be honest I really dont think thats going to get them anywhere without proof. I'd like to speak with Mackenzie, I know they dont want to ask her themself any questions but they dont have a right to keep her from having me ask her a few things."

Writting a few more things down Angelica thinks for a moment. What could possable be the gane from this and why?

"I think it would be a good idea to take a look into this Heather lady but I want you to get someone here to do it. I DO NOT under any ceromstances want you doing the research. You can answer the questions of anyone here but if you truly want to clear you name you will leave this up to them and not yourself because it will look bad and any information that can be found could be thrown out because your the main focus in this case understand?"

Angelica's eyes showed she ment what she said though there was a softness behind them. She did want to help Carson all she could because this time it really hadnt been his fault.

Looking up and seeing Rocky Jess gives a smile. It had been a while since she had seen him and it was a nice change and break in the day.

"Hey Hey I've been meanin to call you but I kept forgetting sorry about that."

Giving a smile and taking the package Jess sets it down before looking up at Rocky again and giving a smile.

Though there was much she was working though there was a new sparkle in her eye as she had over come alot, and found a new place in life with someone who made her feel worth something and good about herself.

"How have you been?"

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