

Listing to the music Hope has a good time as she sways and claps to the music. So much energy was around the room how could one not feel so alive and energetic.

Continuing to watch the band Hope's eyes drift to Scott as he moves around taking his pictures. She liked watching him and watching what he did. It was something she could see sure passion through his eyes while he worked. It made Hope smile as she turned her attachen back to the band and the music.

Standing to the said Katie takes her normal stance with her arms crossed. Being able to stand away from everyone was nice though she didnt mind crowds. She could hear and see better without anyone getting in her way. So not only would she be able to see if something went down, but she could enjoy the music more too.

Glancing around the room Katie scans everything making sure all was well her eyes taking special care of Scott making sure he was ok, and everything going on around him was alright as well. Turning from him again Katie's eyes find Jason's as a smile spreads across her lips as his eyes draw her into the music.

As the conset draws to the end Hope cheers as loud as she could. Never would she have guess that she had as much fun as she did. For a moment she almost had felt like a teenager again.

Panting for air her face was red as people started to file out of the room. It had been a good night one she surely would like to have again.

Hearing Scott talk to her through the mass of people. Turning Hope gives him a smile at the offer. Pizza, it had been a long time since she had, had any. Maybe it would be a good ending to her day, but was it really a good idea? Hope didnt see why not she just wouldnt stay long.

"Sure, I'll come for a little bit but I cant stay out to long I turn back into a pumpkin at 11:00."

Being pulled out of her thought as the music in her ears drowns down Alice smiles over at Kyle. She had been pretty quiet today though she still wore a smile on her face. Her mind had been else where and she was a bit tired, but still she did not regret coming along.

"Mmmmhmmm...I am. Its so much fun traviling with you guys I actully love it. I've liked getting to know everyone too."

Straghting a little Alice turns off the familure music that played on the raido. She felt bad she hadnt been talking to much today and now she would focus more on Kyle.

"Sorry I've been quiet. I'm just a little bit tired today. How is everything going?"

Getting what she needed was easy Angelica new she would have no problem at all. Now heading to the airbase where she would take the TJY jet she parks her car. The ride wouldnt take to long and she would sleep most the way.

Finding a parking space Angelica parks her car and grabs her bags from the back seat before heading out and to the Jet.

So far everything was going well in her eyes but there was still alot of ground to cover in such a short time but she was deturmened. Weather Heather went about it the easy way or not.

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