

Looking up and giving a smile to Ryder Misty gently takes Henry in her arms. Gently bring him over to the table Misty lays him on his side and holds his paw fermly but softly. Examing it closely she can see a few shards of glass. Giving a nod to Ryder to hold Henry for a moment Misty goes to get some cleaner, tweezers and some bandages before returning.

"Hey there ya little fuzz ball what did you get yourself into huh?"

Talking softly to Henry Misty kept him calm as she worked trying to make this as painless as she could for him. In no time at all Misty has the glass out and a makeshift bandage around his paw.

"Sorry its so balky buddy but I am not use to have suck small pashents."

Giving him a gentil scratch behind the ears Misty looks up to Ryder and gives a small smile. Now she had taken care of one she would check the other and make sure he was ok too.

"And how about you? Are YOU ok?"

Getting out of his car Nate lets out a sigh of releaf as he was finally home. Though his mind still was heavy and his heart acked for Katie he new sleep was a must and he was only coming up empty handed. Jason new his number and so did Reese if they needed him.

Entering the house Nate can see the soft glow of the living room light on. Walking over to the coutch slowly Nate looks down on Laura who was fast asleep and gives a small smile. It made him feel good on the inside that she was here. Things were moving forward slowly again and that made Nate happy.

Reaching down Nate takes the blanket and slowly lifts it over Laura before leaning down and giving her a gentil kiss on the cheek. She looked so peaceful, and that made Nate happy.

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