
Crash early

Getting situated at home Misty eats some pizza as the movie starts every once and a while stealing a glance at Mackenzie.

Finally being stuffed on the food Misty leans back on the couch and sitting next to Carson. It felt a little strange not cuddaling close to Carson but Misty new tonighgt it was best that way.

As the movie continues Misty cant help but laugh at some parts as the movie continues finally relaxing and enjoying every moment. Glancing over at Mackenzie Misty smiles as her eyes slowly start to close. Elbowing Carson a little she nods to the little girl.

"Looks like she is crashing the part early."

Coming out of the bathroom Jess puts a clip in her going to the window to look out for Axel. Seeing he was waiting Jess runs back into the bathroom fast strating out her black sheer shirt and brushing the wrinkles out of the nice blue jeans she had baught earlyer today.

Looking at her reflection for a moment Jess cant help but wonder what Axel saw in her. All she could see was a wounded battle scared person coming back from war. Thought the wounds were healing Jess couldnt help the doubt that was still there a little bit.

Giving a shake of her head Jess puts on her necklace and checks herself over one more time and puts just a little perfume on before exiting the bathroom and grabbing her nice leather jacket.

With in minutes Jess is outside and heading to Axel's car. Getting in and shutting the door she smiles at him for a moment and leaning over to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Sorry I took so long."

Giving a smile though Scott couldnt see it Hope was happy to hear his voice and know he was ok.

"Sorry to be calling you so late and all Scott I just new tonight was going to be one of the first nights home for you.."

Leaning back in her chair a little Hope looks out into the darkend lobby. Everyone had gone home now and the quiet was almost defning. Hope herself was a little happy to have Scott's breathing on the other end of the phone.

"..so I just wanted to call and see how you were doing and if you needed anything before I headed home."

Going over to the fridge Katie pulls a bottle of flavor water out and takes a swig leaning against the counter for a moment.

"Yeah I should be staying home unless someone calls me. I dont have anything going on that I know of."

Pushing off the counter Katie comes over to the table and slumps down into one of the chairs. The day had been long but not that long and yet she was a bit tired. Though trying to push it aside Katie wairs a smile on her face.

"If you want you can pick out a movie we can watch with dinner."

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