
Another day

Moving quickly over to Alec Misty rolls him on his back. Looking into his eyes and taking his temp Misty moves down to the bandage on his hand. Seeing the crimison color coming through she pulls the bandage back just a little checking out he cut.

"Ya did a fine job in getting that infected huh? Dont worry, I'll take good care of you and get ya better soon. Poor thing."

Checking in her bag for a moment Misty new she didnt have what she needed down here and she would need to bring Alec up to the infermary again.

Turning to Hal Misty gives a small nod.

"I need to get him upstairs to take better care of his hand. He has an infection, can you help me?"

Getting on one side of Alec Misty hoped Hal would get on the other to help get Alec back up there.

Quirking an eyebrow for a moment Nate just looks at Laura till finally a grin forms on his lips.

"If by women you mean Maggie than I do it about twice a week. Gives me a little extra time with her and makes her feel special. I like giving a little more to her when I can."

Nate brings the plates to the table and than goes back to get his own cup of coffee.

"I like making people feel special, and seeing them smile. Specialy when I know thats what they deserve because there life isnt easy."

There was a small twinkle in Nate's eyes maybe there was a hiddin meaning in his words he didnt want to come right out and say, but he did mean it.

Saying a prayer before they eat Nate smiles at Laura.

"Dig in I hope you like it."

Hanging up the phone a dark haired man looks to his younger partner and gives him a nod before the engine on the van rawrs. Pulling own his phone the man dials a number by heart and waits to get the voicemail on the other end like he new he would.

"Phinox, the transmiter you planted worked. I am sure you know by now he though he was talking to Brown himself. Your a genus. Stick to the plane you know what to do."

Hanging up the white van drive off leaving only a little bit of oil in its path.

Studing his saroundings Phinox stays quiet. Time and a place to talk, a time and place for everything. For now he choose silence as he soaked in the information all around him. Everything had to be played just right in order for anything to work planed. It was a dangergous game he was playing but he had no choise he had to.

Turning to Reese when he tells him to go with Phinox he gives a small bow out of respect.

"I'll protect him all I can. Thank you for giving me a chanse."

Holding his head high once again Phinox walks quickly behind Jason. He new very little about him, other than what he had been told and read. Hotshot as his file read had just that a hot temper and was not one to be messed with. For now Phinox didnt want to cross him till he new more.

Following Jason to his truck Phinox gets into the passanger side. Quit for a moment he finally turns to Jason.

"Where are we heading and what do we have to go by? I need to know all I can if I am going to help and I would guess your the best person to talk to."

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