

Looking back at Carson Herb's face lights up. Hearing that Carson would take this oppertunity put Herb a bit at ease about what would happen to Mom and Pop's and he new now it would be in good hands. But before they continued he had to make sure this is what Carson really wanted.

"Your sure Carson? You dont need time to think about it? I just dont want you to jump on something quickly and than later on down the road kick yourself in the butt. That would hurt me more than maybe seeing the restront close."

Herb continues to watch Carson and the excitment was evadint in his own eyes about what the future would continue to hold for him. This would be a whole new experince and Herb was excited to let it happen.

"Well thats good that at least you have an income coming in. I know if you didnt that might be a little harder on you. So I am happy for that. The money is there anyways in the little jar if you need any extra. Laura and I always take turns putting money in there incase we are in a tight bind or anything."

Going to the fridge Katie opens it and grabs an apple she dubs as her lunch today. Taking a bit out of it. Turning to see Ryder run to the bathroom Katie shakes her head a little and laughs.

"If you need anything call me, and I might call u later as well to see if your feeling better to come in."

Aiming for the door Katie trys to block out the sound of Ryder in the bathroom shutting the door behind her.

Angel gives a sigh not getting anymore information from Reese. She new that she wouldnt but it had been worth a try anyways and now they were leaving without Jeff.

"Ok, I'll let them know. Thanks."

Though her eyes were a bit sad she turns to Luke and gives a nod.

"I'm ready to go, and I hope you sleep some on the plane you look so tired."

Running a quick hand through his hair Angel gives him a kiss before turning to Rick again.

"Thank you again and if you guys ever need help please let me know. Let Misty know thank you again as well."

Watching Laura without her knowing it Nate gives a smile as he watches her get up and leave her desk. This was the moment he had been waiting for.

Standing from his desk Nate reaches into the draw and pulls out a backage that held bright pink color roses wrapped in a pretty white and red paper along with a stuffed white teddy bear. Placying them both on Laura desk with a little note that said "I love you." Nate smiles turning to walk back to his own desk.

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