
I think..

Keeping her smile up Alice's eyes give a small twinkle. So much life filled them and joy. For being alive, for doing what she loved she just loved life as a whole.

"It's not a problem. You sounded half a sleep this morning still so I figured you had just woken up."

Giving a nod to the side Alice signals for now she would walk with Kyle and talk. It was a nice yet chill and streching her legs would be good after sitting in the office all day.

Staying silent for a short minute to just let the momet sink in and what she was doing here hand in the air Alice finally speaks.

"So Kyle can you tell me a little bit about your experiences with JetStream and Cryptic? Maybe some of the ups and down, how you got into music, how you got to meet all the band members and how long you have been with them? Did you grow up here in Nevada? I'd like to really the whole story if I could about you."

While walking Alice watching Kyle intently never meeting a beat of what he said. This certinly was going to be exciting, and follow Kyle and the bands would be even better. This would be a nice change and exciting to read.

As soon as Axel leaves the table the waitress comes over. Glancing at her menu for a moment Jess orders something simple eggs, bacon and toast and gets an extra one for Axel as well in case he wanted anything.

Sitting in silence for a long while Jess' mind starts to think about many things her eyes moving to the window to look out getting lost in thought. Her feelings and how she felt with the few friendships she had formed. Though Axel had said alot of nice things about her it was hard to believe them. For so long she had been talked down, and kicked around it was hard to think of it any other way. Would she ever believe the good things some people had started to tell her.

As Axel's voice breaks through the darkness of her own though Jess turns her head and gives a small smile once again and a small grunt that resembled a chuckle.

"I am not even sure where we left off...I think..."

Jess can feel her hand twitch a little bit, she new they had been holding hands and the strange tingle she had felt when they were was nice. How she wanted to say thats where they were and take his hand again so the warmth, and feeling of someone being there was present againbut thinking better of it she keeps her hands infront of her on the table.

"...nope...I dont remember. However I did order you some breakfest. I got you the same thing I did because I wasnt sure what you wanted. I hope its ok.

The still darkness in the hotel room Angel stays under the covers. Caught between half awake and half asleep her dreams fad in and out. Of life before the ranch stuff she hadnt thought about in many many years. Memories come of times a past, when she met Luke, when Trent had been the one she though she would spend her life with. The thought of Luke enters her mind and she could almost hear his voice telling her to hold on. How things had changed and how her bestfriend had turned into the mad she love more than anything. She had to hold on...if only for a little whole longer she had to see his face again, she had to tell him how she felt.

A cold chill pass through Angel as she pulls the cover up over her even more. She felt so cold yet so warm at the same time. How sick she felt, how much it hurt. Luke please hurry.

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