

Looking at Axel for a moment Jess just studys him for a long moment. She was still intested in what she had asked Axel and wondered why he wasnt telling everything when she new there way more. But prying wasnt in her nature and for now she figured to let it go.

Giving a small snicker at Axel's comment Jess continues to drive letting the silence continue. For most it might be uncomfortable, and maybe a bit awkward but for Jess it didnt bother her. The silence was nice but knowing someone alse was next to her was even nicer.

Finally after diving a few minutes more Jess and Axel are on the other side of town pulling into a nice bar and grill. Finding a parking spot and shutting the car off Jess gives a small sigh..

"Here we are and it dosnt look like they are to busy eather we must of missed the rush."

Misty can't help but give a small smile just thinking about Carson always did that, though still there was that feeling that things just were differnt now.

"He is a good guy, and he really is doing good. From what I saw a few differnt times of him being at Mom and Pop's and around other people He's really going on the right road."

Think for a moment Misty is quiet. She wasnt sure what to think really about Carson's old self and now his new one. Maybe she was being selfish and should just accept the change and move on or maybe like Jason said she should talk to him.

"I dont want him to feel like he did something wrong if I talk to him. Let alone I dont even know what I would say. He's worked so hard to make it this far, I dont want him to feel like it was for nothing."

Misty lets out a small sigh and taps her pen on the desk. Everything had a time and a reason. She new Jason was right and she should at least say something to Carson so he new and not keep it bottled up inside. Finding the right time would be the hard part.

Looking up at Jason Misty gives him a smile as she looks into his own eyes. He hide his own curtine of pain that only one person could feel, but still from the look Misty could tell it was there. Yet behind the pain Misty could see the changes Jason went through that had formed him to who he was today. Change everyone goes throuh it, but adapting to that change was the hardest part of all.

"So...other than upset, and hurt from your grandfather how are YOU? How's Katie doing I havnt see her today Not that I talk to her much when I do see her."

Entering the hotal room Angel puts her bags down on the floor. Just standing in the doorway for a moment. The flight here had been longer than intended and she was not completely exsausted. It almost felt like the life he been drained out of her for no reason. Letting out a long tired sigh Angel makes her way over to the small table at the far end of the room and sits down for a moment drawing the curtin back and just looking out the window.

It felt strange to be this far from home and everyone there. Since a long time ago the Ranch had been home, the place she stayed the most. Other than going in town now and than, at the end of the night the Ranch was where she rested her head. Now, Now she was so far away, and so was Luke. Everyone not knowing anything differnt was going on than the normal. Home...how Angel missed it already.

Pulling out her cell phone Angel just holds it for a moment before finally dialing the number to the ranch. Keeping her voice chipper she wait till she hears Luke's voice on the other end.

"Hey Hun. Sorry I am so late calling the one layover I had took longer than they exspected. Yeah I am here now though. I miss you already."

Continuing to talk on the phone Angel stands and starts slowly to her bags. She wasnt sure how long she would be staying but she new it would at least be for a week she might as well put her things away in the dresser and hang up her other cloths.

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