

Jess starts to help everyone clean up, feeling a little tired she trys to push it away. Everyone seemed like they were having fun and it had been oh so long since the last time she herself had, had fun. Catching the ball of tape as it was thrown to her Jess cant help but throw a sly smerk at Rocky and than back to Max as he bows. Giving her own little dip she cant help but give a small laugh that had been hidden away for so long.

"Why thank you for accepting me into the duck tape community."

Holding the tape up for Axel to see Jess states.

"The storm cloud has some tape incase is breaks again. Maybe I can use it on my car?"

Jess tuns back to helping just letting the comment linger knowing only Axel would know what she was talking about.

Following Jason up to the stage Katie stays close. Feeling Jason's emotions pool she only hopes he can hold on. As she reverts her own attachen to Kyle. Trying her best to make her own peace.

"Kyle you sounded so good. You should of told someone, that way we could of enjoyed it more than keep shock."

As Jason's emotions continue to build Katie can feel herself grow week.

Calm Jason...calm not here...

Knowing his anger and confustion was strong her words were probley going unhurd. As her knees start to buckle Katie reaches out to steady herself on Jason but touching him only intensifies the emotions that were being felt. Trying to keep herself up Katie brings a hand to her head. A small grunting scream comes from her lips as the emotions just become to much to bear.

Standing in the middle of this mess Jess suddanly feels very uneasy again. Trying to consintrat on the little bit she could she takes the tape from Rocky her hand brushing his once or twice before he stands. Just holding the ball of tape Jess trys to block everything out though the small scream from Katie is hurd Jess jumps her eyes were wide now not sure what to think. As Axel comes up next to her Jess jumps again her nerves were now a reck. Listing to his invatation Jess gives a small nod as a whisper escapes her lips.

"I...yeah I will"

Misty stands to the side just watching all that was going on. She wasnt sure to think and it hurt to see her friends fighting. Just listing a funny feeling comes over her. Why was Jason acting like this? Had he forgotten himself already and how it was so long ago. Seeing Kyle leave and how upset he was Misty makes her way up the steps. She needed to talk to Kyle...she had to make sure he was ok. Before leaving out the door Misty turns to Jason. Her eyes show no anger only a plead for him to understand and lighten up a little.

"Hotshot, try to remember a time when your first started with Jetstream you did that same thing. For differnt reasons but for the same purpis."

Leaving out the door Misty makes her way over to Kyle's truck. Opening the door she bends down and peeks inside. Silent for a moment Misty finally speaks.

"You sounded amazing Kyle. Want someone to talk to?"

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