
What makes a rainbow shine?

Taking note to where they sit Jess is a little saprised but it makes her smile inside. She hadnt noticed it to much untill the day Axel had picked her up in the pick up but he was very consider it of her. Thinking back to when Jess first met him her face had still been healing and though a few scars still marked her face most was healed now. It wasnt hard for anyone to probley know Jess had a rough time. It made her smile and set her a little more at ease seeing he went out of his way to make her feel safe.

As the table remaind quiet for the most part Jess dont really mind. Looking over the menu for at least 20 times she finally figures out what she wants and order. Before long the meal was here. Slowly eating her food Jess thinks about Axel's comment. Glaning up Jess catchs sight of the scars on his hands and can only wonder what happend but thought for now it was best not to go asking personal questions when she hardly new him. Still mulling over his comment Jess figures maybe if she left a few things out it wouldnt be so bad to tell him a little more. Looking up Jess catches Axel's eye giving a small smile.

"Well I live alone, no pets though I always wanted a small dog. I dont have any kids, and as of yesterday...."

Jess stops for a moment as a flicker of shadness pass through her eyes as she looks down at her plate and moves a french fry around before looking up again a smile trying to makes its way out again.

"...I dont have a boyfriend anymore, but I guess thats for the best anyways. Don't really have any friends, my life has been a mess and alot less than perfect. As for anything alse about me its intresting, but something I would rather just keep in the past for right now."

Jess new she was leaving out alot of stuff to tell Axel but sometimes it just hurt to much to talk about it still and just thinking about what happend with Peter and how her friends turned there back on her made her sick. Sometimes old habits died hard but at least she did them alone now. Alone...maybe that was they best way to be.

Remeber what Axel said about a hidden light Jess gives a small chuckel as she takes a sip of her milk.

"So you think I have a hidden light huh? I guess I've never really been told that one before. What about you? All I know is you name, you forget to put gas in your truck, and you have a stuning smile. What makes my personal rainbow shine?"

Coming along next to Jason Katie looks into Scott's window and her heart drops. It was so hard to see Scott like this. It hurt so much and it made her even more upset inside. This wasnt write, it was all wrong. Stepping down from the window Katie shakes her head.

There isnt anything we can do saddly J. The most is we can keep checking up on him to make sure he is still....

Katie's words trail off. Was alive really the word to use. Scott certinly was not ok, and he was not much for alive eather. All his life had been sucked out of him.

...breathing, and dosent need anything.

Going back to the car Katie takes the food she had, had Herb box up for Scoot and grabs a bad with some books and magazeans in it. Going back to the front door Katie sets the stuff off to the side a little and knocks on the door once more before talking a little louder through the door.

"Scotty, I am leaving some food out here for you and something to drink. Herb made it just for you its your fav. Also I have some of your old books and magazeans out here so you'll have something to read. If you need anything Scotty please call ok?"

Moving away from the door Katie shakes her head as she looks to Jason. The emotions inside, everything hurt for her friend.

Lets leave him alone for now. We can come back later to keep watch over him.

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