
Two Conditions

Receving the email fomr Rick Misty looks up from her desk. Her eyes showed heavy bags under them telling the story of how she didnt sleep well the night before. Trying to force a smile anyways Misty was here and she had to make the best of it.

As her eyes drift to Scott her face softens more. She felt sorry for her friend, and her heart went out to him. Typing a quick message back to Rick Misty hated the words she new were true.

I fear there is no convincing him. The only way Scott would get anything out of it would be if he wanted to go. He needs to go by free will not by being forced. Once he see he has a problem I am sure he will want to go. One could only hope it wont be to late by than.

Ambaling out into the kitchen a small smile spreads across Katie's face as the single rose on the table. No question needed to be asked, no wondering entered her mind Katie new who it was from. Gentily picking it up Kaite brings it to her noise smelling the sweet sent.

Your to good to me J, thank you.

Moving to put the flower into some water Katie glances at the clock. It was a good thing she didnt work today or should would be late it was already 8:30, though she already new getting there on time was going to be a challange because she was use to going in and leaving when she felt like it.

Another boring day is a head of us unless we can think of something to spruce it up with. How about lunch and a movie or something? Have to wait for Brown's call to us anyways, though something tells me we wont HAVE to wait from him. I am sure Austin will be giving us an ear full.

Taking the flowing in her room she sets it on her dresser next to the others she had dryed out. Looking at them it was funny to remember each time and place of where she got them. Each had a memorie, each had a story that Katie would always remember.

Charlotte studys her husbands face as he talks seeing the look in his eyes she can tell he wanted this. From the first time she met him she could tell he had a longing for racing and going fast but now it was just showing all the more.

Taking a sip of her coffee Charlotte thinks for a moment before finally speeking a soft smile on her lips.

"Well, its ligit and not ileagl. You wont be traviling and you will get payed for it I dont see any reason why I should say no. But you have to promise me a few things."

Charlotte eyes show that the first request was one she really ment. Racing could be dangerous and she'd seen accidents people never got a chanse to walk away from.

"First you have to promise me you will becarfel. I don't want to lose you when I just got you for good. I'd hate for anything to happen to you."

The next request Charlotte's lips turn up into a curl as her eyes sparkle and dance.

"You have to promise me next I can come and see you once and a while. I wanna be able to cheer you on from the crowd."

Taking another sip of her coffee Charlotte reachs out and rests her hand ontop of Bret's giving her aprovle that if he wanted this, than she wouldnt stand in the way.

Hearing the voice on the answering mashean Jess jumps out of bed almost kicking the coffee table on the way out from her bedroom. She had, had a late night last night and she head was spliting open this morning. She just wanted to stay in bed but she thought hse hurd Axel's voice on her answering mashean. Picking up the phone Jess fiddles with it for a moment before finally turning it the right way.

"Axel, Hey...My car is read...ok. Well if you do happen to be around this afternoon if I am feeling up to it as well maybe we can grab a bit to eat as my thank you to you picking me up and fixing my car."

As if relizing what she just had offered in the state she was in she brings a hand to her face and studders just a little bit.

"I mean...umm..if you....ahhh yeah I will be there sometime this afternoon to pick it up. Ok...thank again Axel. See you than."

Hanging up the phone Jess slightly shakes her head as she goes back into her bedroom flopping down on the bed and pulling the blankets over her head. Just a few more hours of sleep than she would wake and shower getting ready for the day.

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